Meaning 「Kari」

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I followed closely behind Skie as we entered the left side of the arena, hugging tightly to the walls as we turned each corner.

"Do you think she'll come to this side?" I asked, poking her shoulder with my gun.

"I don't think so." Skie sighed, glancing at a mirror placed on the wall to view the area behind us. "She probably will want to claim the base we just took."

"O-okay. So what will we need to do after we get this base?"

"I guess we go for her main one. Get as many shots as we can while trying to find her and shoot her."

"It kinda seems like we have an advantage though."

"And that's bad?"


"Then it shouldn't matter. You want Terrence's candy, right?"

"Yeah, maybe."

"Then shut up and let's win!"


We eventually were greeted by the spacious area that contained the second base. We began to shoot at it a couple times although I was constantly paranoid that Alex would come up behind us at any moment, as I was occasionally glancing behind me.

"Hey, can you go check the other side real quick?" Skie asked, nodding her head to the right. "Shoot Alex if you see her."

"Alright- sure."

I lightly stepped away from the scene, turning corners until I arrived back at the previous base. The coast seemed clear, so I hastily let my guard down, glancing around.

I only saw a shimmer of light before I heard the noise of a gun being fired, my vest shaking rapidly, hurting a bit.

"Oh, sorry."


[A/N]: cake is lie sRY 4 eny mistakes

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