113 - Colby Brock ( Sam and Colby )

Start from the beginning

" Kat... Y/n and I never slept together, " I tell her, she looks at me in shock. 

" Yes you did, I have a video of Y/n coming out of your room. You following her, and grabbing a hold of her and pulling her back into the room. You guys totally did, " she tells me. I look at her in complete shock. 

" Colby... oh my God, fuck me... " she play moans. I grabbed a hold of her waist pulling her towards me, and started kissing her. I hope I remember this moment for, forever. 

" That... holy shit, I need to go find Y/n, " I tell them getting up. 

" Go... go get your girl, " Amber tells me, I nod towards her. 

I sped the whole way over to Y/n's house, she told me we had sex. And I just told her it was a dream, because I thought it was a dream myself. How could I be so stupid? She- is Athena mine? Am I her dad? 

I knocked on her door and immediately her dogs started barking, she has two. One German Shepard named Rookie and one Dalmatian named Pongo. Yes Pongo is named after Pongo from 101 Dalmatians. 

The door opens and there stands Y/n holding a sleeping Athena. " Colby? What are you doing here? I thought you were filming with Amber today? " She asks, she welcomes me in and I just continue standing there in shock. 

" We finished already, " I tell her, she nods towards me. 

" You look like you need to talk, let me put her down for her nap. And then we can talk, " she tells me, I give her a nod. 

How do I even bring this up? I watch her walk back out, and she goes to get 2 cups. " Do you want something to drink? Water? Tea? Coffee? " She asks. 

" I'm Athena's dad, " I blurt out. 

" Alcohol it is, " she mutters. She passes me a cup, and she instantly begins to start drinking. 

" Why didn't you try to tell me? " I ask, she chuckles lightly and groans. 

" Colby I did, remember you told me that it was just a dream. And you thought it was weird for me to tell you about my wet dream about you. I tried countless times, time after time after time. You didn't care, in your head it didn't happen, so I gave up. I realized that you didn't want to admit that we had sex, " she tells me, which causes me to put my head down. " Why now? " She asks. 

" Kat knows about my dream about you. Which made me realize, that it wasn't a dream. It was something that actually happened. Which then made me realize that-that maybe you were telling the truth about us sleeping together in person, " I comment which causes her to walk over to me and sit next to me. " I'm sorry... I'm sorry I told you, you were lying. I'm sorry I haven't been there for Athena the way I should. I'm sorry I didn't take the responsibility that I needed to take- " she cuts me off by pulling my face closer to hers. 

" Colby... please stop apologizing, " she begins I nod towards her. " I know there was a lot of lost time, and we'll have to work on trust. But if the reason why you came is because you want to be in that fatherly role for Athena, I will let you, " she adds. 

" Yes, I want to be apart of her life as her father not as an uncle, " I tell her, she nods towards me. I grab a hold of her pulling her into a tight hug. " I'm sorry, " I whisper. 

" I know, " she whispers back, I pick up my head and look at her. " We'll work on it, " she adds. Which causes me to nod towards her agreeing with her in the process. 

It did take a while to get that trust back to where it was before. But now 5 months later Athena calls me dad. And Y/n and I are working on our relationship. I admitted to her that I started having feelings for her. And that lead to our first date. 

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