Rose rolled her eyes, walking down the stairs and praying to Merlin that she would not get caught sneaking out of the boy's dorm. However, as she walked besides the third year's dorm, the door swung open, revealing a very tired looking Fred Weasley. Rose stopped dead in her tracks, knowing that she should probably speak to her best friend. 

"Morning," Fred yawned, smiling sweetly at her. "Sleep well?" 

"Well enough," she smiled. "Thank you for bringing me up and all that." 

"Of course, Rose," Fred said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I wasn't gonna leave you there in the common room." 

Rose nodded her head awkwardly, holding on tight to her uniform. 

"I guess I'll see you at breakfast," Rose mumbled, not giving Fred the chance to say anything before she dashed away down the stairs and into the girl's dormitories. She entered her dorm in a rush, sighing as she noticed the other girls sleeping soundly in their beds. 

She changed into a new stack of clean uniform, dumping the one she had used the day before in her dirty laundry bin, and taking off to the Great Hall. 

She sat on her own, taking in account that most of the Gryffindors were still sleeping. The other tables were full, it was only the lions that were late. 

"Oi, Rose!" A voice called from behind her. The redhead turned her head, a cup of tea in her hand as she noticed her cousin, Avalon Morgenstern, waving her over to the Slytherin table. "Come join us!" 

"No, no," Rose laughed. "I think I'm alright here!" 

"Oh, come on, Rose!" Avalon called back at her. "We don't bite!" 

"I don't believe you!" Rose called, however, she walked towards him. 

Sitting with Avalon was the whole Slytherin gang; Adrian Pucey, Cassius Warrington, Grace Daughtry, Molly Darcy, Blair Ross and Graham Montague.  

"Morning!" She chirped happily, taking the open seat besides Avalon. 

"Long time no see, cousin," Avalon smirked. 

"Not really my choice was it?" Rose smirked back, shifting her gaze to Blair for a second before going back to the group. 

"Guess not," Avalon laughed quietly. However, as the Slytherins engaged in conversation, Rose did not fail to notice that Molly and Adrian were sitting closer to each other than they had when she first arrived. It shouldn't've bothered her, but it did. At least on some level. To Rose, seeing Adrian and Molly so close, it felt like loosing, like all the words Molly had said to Rita Skeeter were true; maybe they were. 

"Rose?" Avalon called. Rose picked up her head, noticing the whole group staring at her. 

"Pardon?" she answered, distracted. 

"I asked if it's true that Diggory asked you out," Avalon said casually. Rose obviously had missed an important part of their conversation. 

"Er- yeah, he did," Rose said, coughing uncomfortably, "last night actually. Forgive me, I have to go."  

Without another word, Rose stood up from the Slytherin table with a half eaten toast in her hand. She bounced back to the lions, were the table was beginning to fill in. She took her usual seat besides Fred and George, both of them talking rapidly with Lee about their joke shop idea. 

"There you are," George smiled, eating a spoonful of porridge. "Where were you?" 

"Over at the Slytherin's table, talking to my cousin," Rose shrugged. 

"Merlin, I keep forgetting Morgenstern's your cousin," Fred laughed, taking a bite off Rose's toast. "Are you gonna finish that?" 

"You can keep it," Rose said grumpily, handing off her toast. "And, believe me, at first I wasn't that convinced that we were related either at first." 

"Oh, Rose, Harry was looking for you earlier," Lee said through a mouthful of eggs. 

"First of all, Lee, don't speak with food in your mouth," Rose scold. 

"Yes, mother." 

"And second," she glared, "thank you, Lee, he's still in the common room, I presume?" 

"Reckon so," Lee shrugged. Rose nodded, standing up once more and walking away in hope to catch up with her brother in the common room. However, much to her pleasure, he had just been entering the Great Hall with Ron and Hermione. 

"Rose!" Harry called as he and his friends walked over to the redhead. 

"Morning, Harry, Lee said you were looking for me," Rose smiled, ruffling his and Ron's hair. 

"Yes, it's about the Hogsmeade trip," Harry said, making both Ron and Hermione shuffle their feet and avert their gazes from Rose. 

"Harry, we'll save you a seat," Hermione said, dragging Ron towards the table. 

"Well, that's a way to avoid a topic," Rose chuckled, admiring the two lions. "So, what about the Hogsmeade trip?" 

"I don't have my permission slip signed," Harry said, a sense of sadness in his voice. 

"Oh, Harry, that's awful," Rose countered with pity. "I'm sorry." 

"Don't be," he intervened with excitement. "I was thinking maybe you could sign it." 

"Harry, I can't sign your Hogsmeade slip," Rose apologised. "It wouldn't be right, your guardians have to sign it." 

"But they didn't," Harry insisted. "And Hermione said that when you turn seventeen you will be in charge of me as your younger brother." 

"But I'm still not seventeen, Harry," Rose cut in. "I can't sign your Hogsmeade slip." 

"Please?" Harry begged, Rose gave in. She told him that made no promise that it would work, but that she would try. 

As the day rolled in, Rose had an unpleasant talk with Oliver Wood, the latter informing her that they had changed the Hogsmeade visit in order to have the first quidditch game of the season. 

"Oliver, we have been training hard, don't worry," Rose and the rest of the team tried to cheer up their captain. 

"But we'll be playing Hufflepuff!" Oliver screamed. "We've trained to play Slytherin!" 

"Is Malfoy still going around telling everyone he's injured?" Fred questioned. 

"Yup," Harry answered, disgusted. 

"So we just change our strategy," Angelina shrugged. "Shouldn't be that hard." 

"Sounds good," Alicia agreed. "What do you think, Oliver?" 

"We're gonna loose to Hufflepuff," Oliver cried, his head in his hands. 

"With that attitude, of course we will, baby Wood," George snickered, receiving glares from the girls. 

"If your problem is that we haven't trained enough, why don't we just train right now?" Rose suggested, getting tired groans from the rest of the team. 

"Rosie, it's eight in the afternoon, baby Wood's gonna keep us up all night," Fred complained, the team nodding with him. 

"Not a bad idea," Oliver said, standing from his seat with a new found determination. "Let's do it!" 


"I had to!" Rose said in her defence, "he looked so hopeless!" 

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Where stories live. Discover now