"Well you're not because we met last month. It would have been weird if you had known me when I was 6 and we eventually got together. Head down." I place my hand back on Wanda's neck as she moves so lay back down in the water.

"I guess you're right. Just when we bring our ages up like that it sort of reminds me of the gap, not that there's a problem with our age gap. It's small compared to some people." I weave my hand through her hair to make sure I'm getting all the shampoo out, before lifting her head slowly out of the water. "I love you for you and that's all that matters to me."

"But you still worry about what some people may think." Wanda looks up at me as I smile softly down at her.

"I guess, maybe. But it's more about what my parents will think, they can be very set in their ways sometimes. They hated that me and vision had children at 18, just before we got married. Married at 18, kids at 18, left home at 18. They always said 'we just want you to be happy Wanda', and me being 18 never got on to the fact that they were saying they could see Vision wasn't it for me. I just don't want them to judge the situation before getting to know you." 

I bend over the side of the bathtub slightly, bringing my lips down to hers in a small kiss before peppering one side of her face in kisses. I cup her cheeks in my hand turning her face towards me more so I can pepper kisses all over her face, making her giggle and my heart flutter. I press my forehead against hers brushing her noses together slightly as my thumbs draw circles on her cheeks. 

"Why don't you invite them over for thanksgiving? I can cook us up a killer meal. You and the boys get to spend time with your parents and they get to meet me."

"You want to meet my parents?" Wanda's eyes light up, but I can also see some slight concern.

"Unless you don't want me to." Wanda's hands instantly move to rest on top of mine.

"No I do, baby. So much. They know I'm dating someone, I can't shut up about you to them. They are probably bored of hearing about it. They also know that you are a woman and they don't care about that. They just don't know anything else about you really because it's not my place to share. I don't want them asking you a question which accidentally sends you into a spiral."

"Turn around." 

"Hmm?" Wanda scrunches her brows at the two words.

"I need to apply conditioner."

"Oh." Wanda does as I ask, turning around slowly before looking at the tiled wall ahead as I reach for the conditioner.

"I want to meet your parents princess and if that means you giving them some information beforehand then I am perfectly okay with that." I start with the ends of her hair as I slowly apply the conditioner. 

"What would be okay to tell them dorogaya." I smile at the sound of the pet name as it always makes my insides melt with how soft she is when she says it.

"You can tell them I'm a widow, and how I came to be one. Maybe mention that I don't have much family."

"You have lots of family though y/n. You have the Barton's, the Stark's and you have your sister and her wife, you have Kate also. You also have us now too. It may not be the family you were with when you were younger but they are your family." I pull on Wanda's hair lightly, getting her to tilt her head backwards so I can plant a kiss on her forehead.

"I know princess, I just don't want to be surprised about them bringing up my past or asking about my childhood." I gently push Wanda's head back up straight as I start massaging her scalp as I apply more conditioner.

"I know, but you are not required to tell them everything. Only what you are comfortable with, they won't judge you or ask more questions about something if you refuse to answer the first time."

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