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Today was their last day of fan signing. Since I worked the morning shift, I got the chance to drop by. Jinyoung told me to drop by if I could, and I did. I slipped to the back of the room and his manager saw me. He brought me backstage and told me that I could wait in the room as the boys were still on stage. But he also let me if I wanted to peek from behind the stage. I decided to stand on the side of the stage. I could see them on the stage, but the fans couldn't see me. They were still talking on the stage. I heard Mark oppa saying his goodbye as he was going back to the US after the fan signing. He would be back to Korea of course when they had another project, but he has decided to live in the US for the rest of the time. Jinyoung was standing on the far right, so he was pretty far from the place I was standing at. But I saw him turn when he tried to talk to the other members, and he saw me. I waved at him and he replied my wave with a smile.

He was about to say something, but Mark oppa cut him. Suddenly the spotlight was on Mark oppa. The rest of the boys were smiling, so I knew he was going to propose to Mae unnie. I tried to peek on the audience to find Mae unnie in the audience, but I couldn't see well from my place.

"Everyone, I know that you've been wondering about my personal life," I heard Mark oppa said. "Usually I'm not the type of person that shares my personal life publicly, but some of you might've guessed right. I did have a girlfriend," I heard the fans gasped when he said 'girlfriend', but I was more concerned about the 'did' part. Did they break up now?

"I'm glad that ahgase are very understanding fans. You guys didn't poke me when the media started to talk about my relationship. You all said that if it was time for me to tell about it, then I'll tell you guys about it. And I do appreciate it. That's why, I decided this day, I'll share my happy news with you guys." Then I saw another spotlight pointed to somewhere in the audience. I bet it was Mae unnie. Mark oppa also started to go down the stage toward the spotlight.

"Today I'd like to tell you that I'm in love with this girl, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my days with her. So, Maeve, would you do me the honor to be my wife?" Mark oppa dropped on one knee and handed out a ring to Mae unnie. Everyone screamed, half happy, half envy at Mae unnie, I guessed. When Mae unnie nodded, everyone clapped their hands and shouted their congratulations. Oh my.. It was just like a scene from a movie or something. Mark oppa put the ring on Mae unnie's and he hugged her. Jackson oppa popped a confetti gun and it was loud. He even fell back because he was shocked at the sound himself. Silly oppa.. I laughed at his silliness. However, I also felt someone was looking at me with his piercing gaze. Jinyoung.


Everyone was busy congratulating Mark hyung for his proposal. He didn't tell any of us, but considering that the spotlight spot him and Mae easily, he must've had told someone. Either his manager or the event organizer. Backstage, we congratulated them once again and everyone took turn hugging them. Including Seonyoung. I told her to drop by since I knew she had the morning shift.

"Whoaaa.. I never knew that you're so romantic, Mark oppa," I heard her saying. "And you talk a lot today as well."

"Thanks.. I practiced a lot since I left Korea, plus I had to speak for myself after I left here, so..get used to chattier Mark now," I heard Mark hyung replied.

"No more silent Mark?" Jackson asked, teasing Mark hyung because back then, he suffered a lot when he was his roommate. Mark hyung laughed, "No more. I'll make sure to reply you now and in more than one word."

I walked over to the happy couple and gave my congratulations, but I was a bit annoyed. Mark hyung stole my moment. I did happy for them, but I couldn't hide that I was a bit pissed because my plan had to be postponed for now. I thought I hid my annoyance really well since the members didn't notice it, but when we were back at the car, Seoyoung apparently noticed it.

"Is anything wrong, oppa?" she asked once it was just two of us.

"Huh? No, why?" I was taken aback by her question.

"You look... pissed?" she chose her word carefully, clearly didn't want to hurt my feeling.

"I'm not pissed, it's just... ," I turned to her. "I didn't know Mark hyung was going to propose to Mae tonight. I knew he was going to propose, I just didn't expect it to be today. I thought he would be secretive and all, considering he carefully kept his relationship hidden. But I guessed I was wrong."

"And that surprised you because?"

"Because I also planned something tonight," I let it go and sighed. I reached into my pocket and felt the little box that I've been carrying with me all day. "I guess it'll have to wait," I decided at the end and kept the box in my pants.

Seonyoung has been back to the ER for two weeks now, and she had to see her professor every three days and then every 5 days. We've been going back and forth between each other places. Though she wouldn't sleep over, but she'd hang out if I had the night off. I liked when she got afternoon shift before her night shift, because that meant she got the whole night and the next morning off. That meant I could spend time with her longer. Since she didn't want to sleep over mine, sometimes I forced her to let me sleep over hers for various excuses. Exhaustion, a bit drunk, or whatever stupid reasons that I could find. She didn't kick me out of the house though. She told me that her last challenge from her professor was going back to the maze and mirror maze. She also told me that according to her professor, I contributed a lot to her speedy recovery. She got a day off today and she asked me to bring her to the amusement park again.

"Are you sure?" I asked her, totally didn't want her to push her if she hasn't ready yet.

"We won't know until I try, right?" She took a big breath. "After all, I have you here, so it should be fine."

I held her hand all the way toward the maze area and I felt she was a bit nervous, so I squeezed her hand to encourage her when we finally arrived at the scene.

"Do you need me to go with you or do you have to walk inside yourself?"

"Can you go with me?" she asked with nervousness written all over her face. I pulled her hand and said, "Like you need to ask me, come on."

We walked inside the maze together, but I let her lead the way. Luckily it was weekday morning, so it was pretty deserted. No one else went into the maze yet as it was in the middle of the park. People would ride attractions close to the entrance first or the more interesting ones. So far she's been doing good. She carefully looked at the path and chose as her instinct told her. She wasn't frustrated when we met a dead end and she quickly remembered where she made the wrong turn as to not repeat it again. She let out a big sigh when we finally reached the end of the maze. I hugged her when she managed to finish the maze.

"You're doing great.. Come on.. One more to go," I told her and led her to the mirror maze. Since this wasn't halloween anymore, they have separated those two. I knew she was afraid of the mirror maze more than the ordinary maze. "You can do this," I planted a kiss on her forehead and patted her back to encourage her before we walked inside the mirror maze. Actually, the mirror maze was indeed confusing. She had to use her hands to find the path. I decided to step back and watched her from behind. She had to do this on her own. I saw her getting a bit frustrated as it took her longer than the ordinary maze. I saw sweats formed on her forehead, running down to her face. I guessed we were in the middle of it when she decided to take a break. I remembered her telling me that her professor thought that I created happy moments for her that it overshadowed the bad ones in her memory. Watching her now, I decided it was time for me to step in.

Seeing Double (Park Jinyoung FF)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt