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"Okay, what do we have here?"

"TA victims. Both were sitting at front with seatbelts on. Mostly lacerations due to the shattered front window. The man was unconscious on the scene for awhile, but the woman was conscious all the time. No vomitting," the paramedic informed me. I called one my resident and told him to follow the wife and I would follow the husband.

"Blood pressure?" I asked my nurse.

"145 over 75, pulse 120," she answered.

"Okay, full blood test, CT scan for the head, give him fluid. Open up his clothes, need to check the bruises." He was wearing seatbelt, so there would be some kind of pressure left by the seatbelt. My nurses started to work fast to remove the clothes so I could check everywhere for possible internal damage. I felt tenderness on his abdomen, so I added FAST into his workup. I checked on the wife as well. She was stable, but still needed a full check up as well. After setting up the IV on both patients, did the FAST on the husband, I called the surgeons needed and consulted the patients. Few minutes later, the surgeons came and checked the patients, the scans and the FAST. The husband was to be operated ASAP while the wife was put into observation.

Today was a busy day. After the TA victims, we got several patiens with minor injuries, like cuts and first degree burns, and then some kids patients as well. I decided to go home and rested first. I texted Jinyoung's manager and told him I would check up on the patient after dinner. I needed my rest. He texted back and said okay. Luckily his manager was very understanding, though I was sorry for him though. The nurse the other day didn't last long. After a week she decided to quit. The manager had to find another one and did the whole process again. And he still needed to manage Jinyoung's schedule as well. I was just eating my dinner when my phone rang. It was Jinyoung's manager.

"Hello?" I picked it up.

"Can you get here fast?" he asked in a worried tone.

"How fast do you need me?" I could sense the urgency from his request.

"Like you have to leave now," he said.

"Okay, I'm leaving now," I stuffed the rest of my dinner into my mouth and grabbed a bottle of water and my bag before heading out. If there was a speed record for reaching his place from mine, I'd probably break the speeding record today. I got there as if his house was just a block away from mine. His manager was behind the door when I got there. He didn't even bother to ask for my phone.

"What's wrong?" I asked immediately.

"It's Jinyoung. He got into an accident at the set, but we can't bring him to the hospital," he told me while walking to his room.

"Why? He went to the hospital the other day," I pointed the fact that the hospital was the place that I met him the first time.

"He's been drunk couple days ago, and went into tattoo parlour without realizing it. He got a tattoo on his right upper arm. And the injury is on the same arm, so we can't risk people knew about him drunk and got tattooed," his manager answered. Oh crap, him and his image. Why did he get drunk again? I grunted again and regretted that I ever felt sorry for him. I followed his manager to his room and found him inside with a bleeding arm.


There was some mishaps at the set. I jumped right on time to save Go Eun noona, but I got injured instead. I can see the open wound on my arm. My manager immediately excused us from the set and refused the help from the crew. He told them he could manage the situation and that we had a personal doctor. He immediately told me to go into the car, and inside the car I heard him calling Seonyoung. Luckily Seonyoung was already at home and was planning to go to my house anyway, so she was here quickly. I got myself into some trouble couple nights ago when I got drunk again and went into a tattoo parlour. I realized I just tattooed my upper arm. The same one that got injured. That's why my manager refused to bring me to the hospital. They might need to cut open my sleeves to see the extend of the injury, and he couldn't risk it. Seonyoung has signed the NDA anyway, so it was safer to ask her for help.

However, she looked half annoyed half angry when she came into the room. Last time, she was sorry toward me, but today, I felt I became 'the jerk' again in her eyes. As my manager has predicted, she told me to take off my clothes or she would rip the sleeve. I opted to take it off even though I might get rid of it anyway. She pulled a chair and started to examine my wound.

"Okay, I need to clean it and stitch it," she informed my manager.

"Okay, what do you need?" my manager pulled up his phone to take notes.

"Saline, gauze, underpad, hydrogen peroxide, lidocain, syringe, vicryl 4.0, steril gloves, antibiotic cream, bactiderm, hypafix, scissor and tweezer," she started listing everything she needed and my manager took notes of everything. He was gone to fetch all the equipment and medicine needed so it was only us left in the room.

"Do you want to say something?" I asked her.

"No," she replied but her face said everything. She was angry alright. "What's gotten into you again?"

"Pitying myself, as usual," I shrugged, didn't care to collaborate further.

"You know, at some point, you have to face it or share it with someone. Not drowning yourself in liquor just to keep it hidden," she said. As if I could do it. My manager came back not long after, so she started to get ready. She put the underpad under my arm and started to clean the wound. I hissed, it stung a bit when she injected the local anesthetic. She worked fast though. After cleaning it, she made sure that the anesthetic has worked and started stitching up the wound. She put some ointment on, bandaged it, and covered it up before cleaning up the equipment.

"Try to keep it dry all the time. After three days, I'll check it again," she said. "If it healed nicely, I'll take the stitch out after a week. Try not to get into trouble until you can laser your tattoo," she added. As if I didn't know that already. My manager would make sure I stayed out of trouble for sure. She left after checking her patient in the other room. He's been off the ventilator but still couldn't manage to walk just yet. I was wondering how long would it take for him to befriend her and stole her from me. 

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