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It's been almost a month since Jinhyuk got hospitalized because of the car accident. He went under several more surgeries because of it. My dad finally apologized about his wrongdoings to me and to my relief, he wasn't imprisoned. Though our relationship was still awkward, but at least it got better a bit. Last thing I heard about Jinhyuk was he was still fighting post operation infection. But his condition was getting worse. I could only see him an hour a day. And here I was, sitting by his bed side in ICU to pay my daily visit.

"Mark hyung and Jackson went home already after the MV filming," I started to talk. I tried to talk to him about what happened around me. I used to have Seonyoung to do this small talk thing, but now she wasn't here. "Jaebeom hyung's already enlisted. I hoped my last gift for him worked out well. I can see noona is good for him. I don't know if you remembered her, but Jaebeom hyung said that she was a part time worker at one of the places that you guys frequented when you were still trainee." I sighed. The doctor told me that they've changed the antibiotic, but it was their last straw. "Please Jinhyuk.. get well soon. Jaebeom hyung has left for military. Jackson and Mark hyung also went home as well. And Seonyoung.. she's left Seoul for work and I barely heard from her anymore. I've just found you, please get well.. I've dreamt of having a sibling and I found new brothers in your group, but it would be even better if my twin gets better and be with me."

But again, heaved ripped away my closest people. Jinhyuk finally passed away. As if whatever the shaman said was true. I was the bad luck bringer in the family. Ever since I came back, nothing good happened to the family. I texted Seonyoung, but of course I got no reply. However, my mom seemed to talk my dad for not blaming me. My sister told me that mom told dad that it was Jinhyuk's fate and not my fault. After all, if I was a bad luck bringer, then I'd busted my job at BH as well. But I managed to pull through with GOT7 comeback last time and then all my projects with BH were successful. After the funeral, I went back to filming and then it was time for me to fulfill my military duty. I gave my formal goodbye as well as texted Seonyoung for the last time.

Two years later

I've just got out of the military but I wanted to get back to work as soon as possible. My manager understood and we began looking for a new comeback project for me. I didn't think GOT7 would make any comeback until Yugyeom finished his military duty since Youngjae would be enlisted soon. Jaebeom hyung has finished his but I haven't met him yet. I was thinking of meeting him again when Jackson called me in the middle of the night.

"Hey man, whatsup?" I immediately answered.

"Hey man.. did I wake you up?" he asked.

"No, I was still heading home from my agent," I told him.

"Your manager is driving, right? You're not answering while driving, aren't you?" his voice laced with worry, typical Jackson for worrying everyone.

"Yes, my manager is driving me. Now spill, why are you calling me? And what's with the accent? You forgot how to talk Korean already?" I started dissing his accent. It's been awhile since I heard him talk in Korean.

"Don't insult my pronunciation! Anyway, it's gonna be a long talk bro," then he started telling me about the marriage arrangement and Ellie's proposal. "So, what do you think? Should I play along with her or should I decline it?"

"Hmm.. it's a tough one. I have to say that girl is pretty smart. Her proposal is quite interesting. She has lots of good points. She knew both of you would be busy so you won't be seeing each other most of the times, so it's safe to be in a marriage contract. Then the house arrangement and the account split are good ideas as well. She really calculated everything," I pointed out. 


"Hmmphh.. it's totally up to you, man. It's your life. After all, we're 30 already. We're supposed to have a family. My friends are getting married one by one after they finished their military duty. Maybe I would too in a year or two if I could find someone. Why? Do you feel something's weird with the girl?"

"That's the problem," he huffed. "She looked totally normal. She's a surgeon so she's cold as ice. I can't read her face. Totally emotionless. This is totally business for her. I'm afraid I might turn into her if I ever get close to her. Do you think she's psychopathic?" he whispered.

I laughed at his ridiculous question. "Doctors are usually emotionless man.. How can they work when they cry every time their patients got hurt?" That got me think of Seonyoung as well. She was cold as ice as well.

"Oh yeah. You're right."

"You'll keep the marriage a secret right? So why not? I guess she just gave you the best solution. Once you get divorced, you'd probably be super successful that you don't have to work hard anymore. Then you can focus to find someone you really love. She's just giving you extra time so you can focus on yourself and your work for now."

"But I'd be lying to my parents and her adoptive grandfather. I'm not a good liar. What if they found out about it because of me?" he started to freak out. 

"Just be busy. Avoid meeting them without her. Just discuss everything with her first. Don't even accept your parents' call without getting prepared first," I suggested.

"Hmm.. ok..ok. That sounds good. Pheww.. thanks man. You really help me. Welcome back by the way.. Are you going to be busy with drama again?"

"We're just discussing my first comeback project, it'd be another drama again for now. Will you tell the others about this marriage arrangement?"

"I'll tell them when everything's settled." We talked for some more before he ended the call, saying he had a schedule tomorrow.

Next thing I knew Jackson was in Korea, proposing to all of us that we should make a comeback even though by the time we released the MV Youngjae would already be enlisted. We did have a song recorded, but it was just one, but he argued we did the same with 'Encore' anyway. So he told us to fly to Singapore for 5 days to shoot the MV as well as a short getaway. I raised my eyebrow at his idea, I had my suspicion that he was just using us as an excuse to see his fake wife. I knew she was in Singapore as a fellow, he told me the other day, but I thought he was just pretending, so why did he force the idea so bad? 

Long story short the boys agreed. We've missed each other. After Jaebeom hyung gathering two years ago we barely saw everyone together. I might meet with Youngjae, Yugyeom and Bambam because they were the ones left in Korea, but not the other, so why not? The MV shooting took longer than planned and I could see Jackson was irritated, as if he couldn't wait to leave. He dashed out of the set when everything was wrapped up, leaving us questioning his motive. He was the one that forced us to shoot in Singapore and he left us after the MV shooting was finished. I told Jaebeom hyung I had no idea, even though I might have some idea about his action. Anyway, we planned to get back to him and called him early in the morning. He cursed right away of course, confirming that we did interrupt his plan, whatever that was. But he agreed to have lunch together with us, saying that he'd bring someone with him. 

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