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[How do you manage to change Ellie's mind?] I texted Jackson, looking for ideas.

[Just begin from the start again.] He answered. I let out a sigh. Starting from beginning was not an option here. I was being a jerk when I met her the first time, and clearly I didn't want to be on her bad side again.

[Hyung, how do you manage to change Elle's noona mind?] I turned to Jaebeom hyung this time. I knew he basically just lounged at noona's cafe and played with Jihoon sometimes, but he did nothing until I kidnapped Elle noona. And the next thing I knew, after his military, they were together.

[I don't. You did. You kidnapped her and threw her to me.] I scoffed.

[Come on hyung, seriously.. I'm trying to get some ideas here.] I practically begged him now.

[I don't know. I just told her that I was serious and even if she didn't like me back, I'll still okay with that.] Aigooo.. He didn't help either.

"Excuse me, Jinyoung-ssi?" a staff poked into my waiting room. "It's your turn now."

"Oh okay," I put down my phone and got ready for filming. I had to do something, after all, I finally got her number again.


"Is is true?" Hyunjin nudged my elbow and kept staring at me.

"What?" I asked him back, totally had no idea what he was talking about. I was just finished writing my chart when he came in.

"I heard that you're about to resign and go back to Seoul. Do they really offer to build a doctor helicopter center for you?" he asked again.

I chuckled at his questions. "Yes, I'm resigning, but no, they're not building a center just for me. Correction, they're not building anything. Not for me, not for anyone else. Why do everyone think other hospitals want to build a doctor helicopter just because I move there?"

"Well, because you're one of the frequent flyers and you're quite popular?" he shrugged his shoulder. I raised my eyebrow. I didn't see the connection between being a frequent flyer and the need of building a new center just for one doctor.

"It costs a lot of money and they won't be just opening a center just for one doctor," I answered. It'd be silly to spend all that money for just one doctor. One with the field skill but not the managerial skill on top of that.

"Then why do you move? You're basically Captain Do's right wing. If his wife scolded him again for being on the field to much, I bet Doctor Min-ah will give the spot to you."

"Doctor Min-ah will not give the spot to me because I'm bad at managing, whether it's people or things. I'm struggling to finish my chart and you expect me to tell the others to finish theirs?" I rolled my eyes. "And the shift schedule. I've tried helping Captain Do with it one time, and I just gave up. It was like playing Sudoku with people's name. Really confusing," I told him.

"You're still not answering my question," he pointed and kept up with me when I was walking away from the office toward the ER. "You're not running away, aren't you? Or are you getting married?" His idea was getting weirder by the second.

"No to both questions and it's my shift already, so scoot away now," I pushed him away so he wouldn't bother me anymore. He complied at last after whining a bit. I wasn't running away. I've been planning to resign since last month, but Captain Do kept telling me to wait for a bit until they got a new doctor. He was questioning my reason as well as I did a good job in this hospital. Under high tension on top of that. But it was too much adrenaline. And too many weird hours. Since we couldn't predict when the helicopter would be requested, I usually tagged along in the ER. And since there were not many doctors qualified to fly, so if there was a request when there was no one qualified in the ER to fly, someone had to be called to fill the spot in. And usually the spot would go to me since I lived near the hospital. I was getting tired for being dragged to the hospital so many times, so I planned to move to a regular hospital again for now. Though I wasn't sure about my plan now that I've seen him back in Seoul. But I've handed my resignation letter and it was already approved, so I couldn't do anything about that now.


Finally I got home. As soon as I finished washing up and eating dinner, I fiddled with my phone, considering what should I say to her. Looking at the time, she'd still awake.

[Are you busy?] I finally settled with that question. If I were about to talk or chat with her, at least I had to make sure she wasn't busy. No one wanted to be disturbed while they were working, especially in her line of work.

[No. I got morning shift today.] She replied within seconds. I couldn't believe I almost dropped my phone when it vibrated, indicating a new message coming in. Okay now, what should I ask her next?

[I heard you're working as a Doctor Helicopter team. Do you work at A hospital?]

[Yes.] I almost punched my phone when she replied my text in Mark hyung's mode. How could I strike a conversation if she answered it with one word?

[Are you not planning to go back to Seoul?]

[I am.] Gee.. Seriously... But, wait.. she just said she was going back to Seoul. I read it again to make sure, and she did answer she was going back to Seoul.

[When?] I was basically gritting my teeth while waiting for her reply.

[In two weeks]

[Where in Seoul?] She replied with the name of the hospital, the same one as Ellie's. I laughed at the coincidence.

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