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"Give me another one," I ordered the bartender to pour me another glass. I looked at my watch. Pfft, it was still early. I didn't want to go home just yet. I didn't want to see that familiar face too long. I immediately gulped all the liquor and asked for more. Unfortunately, I had high tolerance for alcohol. Few more glasses and I would still good to go. But I had to leave soon. The bar was still pretty quiet now, but it wouldn't be in a few minutes. People would start coming in and it would be my cue to leave. The bartender here had known me for such a long time and he would keep his mouth shut as I knew my manager would give him money to make sure he kept his mouth shut. Speaking of the devil, my phone started to vibrate. I glanced at it, and it was indeed my manager. Pfft, as if I would pick his call up. I needed some time alone for now. My manager could nag me tomorrow. I asked for another glass and I noticed the bartender got a call. I bet it was my manager as he gave me a glance before answering the other person on the phone.

"Just tell him I'll be leaving after this glass," I told him and he obeyed me. He told my manager just exactly what I said before. I finished the last glass and started to get up, putting up my sunglasses on even though it was night time already.

Some girls bumped into me on the stairs. The one that bumped into me looked up and said sorry. She was drunk already.

"Oh, oppaa... Sorry," she tried to stand up straight but failed and bumped into her friends that giggled noisily. I just shrugged my shoulder and kept on walking up the stairs, ignoring them completely.

"What's up with him?" I heard the other girls talk. "And what's with the sunglasses? Tsk, he's weird," the other one added.

Just kept on walking Jinyoung, I told myself. I've heard the same comments whenever I put on my sunglasses in public. But I had no choice. I had to cover my identity. I often told them I got stye as excuses in the past, but these days, I didn't even bother to explain myself. I walked toward the parking lot, only to realize that I didn't bring my car tonight. My manager confiscated my key earlier. I've been getting out late at nights this week, so he was worried that I might get into some troubles, so he confiscated my car key. Lucky for me, he forgot to confiscate my motorbike's key. I put on my helmet and started the motor. I was just riding my bike for a few block when some idiot suddenly jumped into the street, forcing me to make a hard turn so I wouldn't run him over only to hit a roadblock and fell down. I knocked my head on the pavement and it hurt like hell. I was positive that my knees scraped the pavement as well. I heard some commotion around me, and someone has called the ambulance for me. I almost cursed, but it was an old lady. I just nodded when she told me to stay put and didn't take off my helmet at all. Few minutes later, the ambulance arrived and the paramedic came over to help me.

"Helmet off in the ambulance," I told them as I refused to be checked outside. They declined my request at first, but I was adamant about it. "Ambulance, or I'll walk away," I told them and they had no choice but to let me. They were going to help me up, but I brushed them off. I could still stand up and walked by myself.

Inside the ambulance, they wanted to take off my helmet and checked my injuries, but I told them to wait. I called my manager to told him what happened and he told me to hand over the phone to the paramedic. I bet he would tell them to drop me to a specific hospital, the only hospital that could keep my secret. I saw the paramedic was confused at the request, but they didn't have any choice but to obey. The paramedic told the driver to change course and didn't force me to take off my helmet anymore. When we arrived at the emergency room, the nurses were already informed and they took me to a private room.

"What the hell are you doing?" I heard a loud voice shouting to the nurses.

"I'm sorry doc, you're new here. This patient is a VIP, and we were told to move him here. No one should examine him until his manager arrives," one of the nurse told the doctor, who was shouting earlier.

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