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"Excuse me, do you mind telling me who's that doctor?" I asked one of the nurse at the ER, pointing my finger to the person of interest.

"Oh, she's the Doctor Helicopter team, but she's not from our hospital," the nurse answered. I walked carefully toward her but not completely in front of her. I stood behind the hospital wall so I could still hear her voice but she couldn't see me.

"So, I heard you get a lot of job offer now," I heard one of the other doctor talked.

"Who told you that? That's just a rumor," I heard she answered.

"It's true.. Everyone tries to get you on their ER team as you're one the most frequent-flyer in the Doctor Helicopter team. They want you to manage their ER team and perhaps build their own Doctor Helicopter team, especially the big players," the other one continued.

"Oh no, you're just exaggerating. I'm not even the team captain in my hospital," she humbled herself before excusing herself to get back to her helicopter. Since I was standing in the hallway, I didn't have enough time to run away when she stepped into the hallway toward the elevator. So, I turned around and there she was facing me, looking surprised when she saw me in the middle of the hallway. She looked ... great. She let her hair grow a bit until over her shoulder but she put it in a ponytail.

"Hi," I tried to strike a conversation.

"Jinyoung-ssi," at least she replied me. "Hi, but I'm so sorry, I have to get back to my hospital, so..," she started to walk toward the elevator. If I didn't know better, I'd think that she intentionally ran away from me.

"I thought I've told you to call me oppa?" I raised my eyebrow. "Yeah okay, I know you're busy but give me your number first. I think you changed yours," I immediately handed her my phone and made sure she punched in her number before handing my phone back.

"Yeah, mine got broken when it flew out of the helicopter, so I changed my number. It was crushed pretty bad that I couldn't transfer the data," she said. "Here," she handed it my phone back but still, no oppa. "See you later, oppa."

I broke a smile hearing that from her, "Yeah, see you later."


I didn't know what to reply when he texted me to inform that Jinhyuk has passed away. He texted me the time and place of the funeral but I didn't reply. I didn't tell him that I stopped by either. I went to Jinyhuk's funeral but seeing that his whole family was there, I didn't approach him at all. I didn't want to cause any scene, considering the last time I saw his father, I got fired from my side job and almost got fired from my main job as well. I didn't know whether his father still held a grudge against me or not, so better not showed them my face at all. But I've paid my respect.

Then I heard from the news that he let go his American citizenship so he had to fulfill his military duty. He texted me again, but before I could reply, the helicopter was shaking a bit before it landed and my phone flew out of it and got crushed. I lost my data as well as his phone numbers. Two years went by and obviously I did nothing about it. Why should I? I might be nothing to him. I was just Jinhyuk's doctor and his temporary bartender. Or so I made myself to believe. 

He had no project yet after the military, so I heard nothing from him. But they made a short comeback before Youngjae enlisted, and then he formed a unit with Jackson. Considering I wasn't living in Seoul, I thought the chance of meeting him again was slim, but guess again.. Who was the guy standing in the middle of hallway toward the hospital elevator? Just when I finished transferring a patient, there he was, standing there, with a barely readable face, both hands in his pants pocket.

"Hi," he simply said and I already felt nervous standing there so I just tried to walk away.

"Jinyoung-ssi .... ,"I greeted him back, trying hard not to stutter. "Hi, but I'm so sorry, I have to get back to my hospital, so..," I tried to walk toward the elevator, looking as natural as possible. I couldn't let him think that I was running away from him.

"I thought I've told you to call me oppa?" he raised his eyebrow. "Yeah okay, I know you're busy but give me your number first. I think you changed yours," he gave me his phone and hawking over me, making sure that I punched in my number.

"Yeah, mine got broken when it flew out of the helicopter, so I changed my number. It was crushed pretty bad that I couldn't transfer the data," I didn't know why I said that. It wasn't as if he was asking for my excuse. "Here," I handed the phone back only to see his waiting face, and I knew he waited for me to call him oppa. "See you later, oppa," I added at last, knowing that he wouldn't let me get away before saying it.

He smiled before replying, "Yeah, see you later."

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