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There, I've said it. I didn't expect her to make me said it loud and clear, but apparently she did. Either she was really dense or she was just pretended. But I've said it at last. After all the confusion regarding Elle noona and Ellie, at least I've straightened it all so now I looked at her, waiting for my answer. But she just looked at me blankly.

I knocked her head, "Oooyy,, earth to Seonyoung.. Do you copy?"

She blinked. "Still loading," she answered but she kept munching her food with blank expression on her face. She looked exactly like Jinhyuk when he couldn't blink and swallow his food at the same time.

"Can you at least say something? For someone who used to make decision within seconds, you're really slow in this area," I teased her and she immediately gave me a death glare.

"Well, that was life/death situation while this one.. let's just say I don't encounter it everyday," she snapped back. At least, she was back to her usual self.

"So? Is your brain finally working now?" She nodded.

"Look. Please look from my point of view first before you decided to pissed off at me," she started and it didn't sound good from her opening speech. "When we first met, you were covering for Jinhyuk, so sometimes I wondered which one is the real you and which one is your adapted version of Jinhyuk. Sometimes I thought you were bipolar. You were nice one day just like Jinhyuk, but then all salty and grumpy the next day. Hell, it even day and night for you. You were angel at daytime but all evil at nighttime. Then you confessed everything before you went to military and Jinhyuk passed away after that. I imagined you'd start to drop your act after Jinhyuk passed away but we didn't see each other for two years, so I wouldn't know for sure. I thought we wouldn't meet again, so imagined my surprise when I saw you in the hallway. Then you keep popping up. And as I've told you before, I was confused whether you were seeing Elle unnie or Ellie unnie, so all these times, I was too focused figuring out which one is your target, so I completely missed the signs that the target was me until you pointed it out." I said nothing and gestured her to keep on going.

"So, I can't say anything. I'd probably know more about your maknaes and Jaebeom oppa rather than you," she admitted. I sighed.

"Fair enough. It was my fault anyway since I made a confusing move. So, what about we go out on a few dates before you give me your answer? Let's set it to three dates and this time I'd make sure that it was just two of us," I suggested. I wouldn't mind though. I got to spend more times with her anyway.


How stupid of me. I should've answered something else, instead telling him that I barely noticed him because I was too busy figuring out which one was his target, Elle unnie or Ellie unnie so I couldn't give him an answer when he told me that he liked me. He. Park Jinyoung. Okay, he might not be the all-rounder that people said all this time because that would be Jinhyuk, but still, they shared the same face. The same gorgeous face that could smitten even a 5 years old to a grandma. And of course he would suggest that we went on dates. Now I had no more excuse to run away. I was curious though, what would he pick for dates? I knew Jinhyuk mentioned that he would be totally domestic if he ever settled on, but he never said anything about being domestic.

I had morning shift today, so he would pick me up later for our first dates. He told me to wear pants. He specifically said pants or jeans. I was going to anyway since I was more comfortable in pants or jeans, work hazard, probably. It would be troublesome to wear skirt on duty. I knew what he would look like with T-shirt and jeans, but still, looking at picture was totally different from looking at the real person in flesh. Dazzling would be a good word to describe him today. As if he ever looked bad, I grunted internally. As if when God made him, he forgot to add something bad into the mixture. Oh well, that was Jinhyuk. God remembered to add some into him, just not on the outer part, I remembered bitterly.

"You can drive, can't you?" he immediately asked when I got into the car.

"Yes, why?"

"Because we're going racing," he simply said. We were playing racing cars, to be exact. And it was totally fun. I was used to the adrenaline rush, it was just a different kind this time. It was life or death one in the ER everyday, but it was a fun one this time. He wouldn't let me win, of course, being a competitive person that he was. But he did compliment me for finishing close to him. My time record wasn't bad for a girl.

"Okay, remind me not to let you handle the wheel, even when I drunk," he told me when we were back in the car again, this time to fetch some food.

"Why not? I didn't crash on anything even though I drove so fast earlier. Maybe I should consider a career change," I said.

"Okay, no. Scratch that thought. I'd die because of heart attack if I sat on the passenger seat while you drive. And don't ever drive Jaebeom hyung that fast. He'd die on the spot," he added. I laughed. He was right. Jaebeom oppa was an old soul. He drove very slow. Since he couldn't risk being spotted in the public just with me, he decided to buy some drive thru.

"Sorry, I know you're bored of fast food already, but it's already late and I forgot to make any reservation, so let's just eat burger today, okay?" he asked while stopping the car to make the food order.

"Give me your schedule for next week so I can think of time when I can get away from the studio. Jaebeom hyung has been grounding us in the studio for our comeback," he said while eating. He parked the car somewhere quiet so we could eat in peace.

"Okay. When's your comeback anyway?"

"Two weeks. We're going to film some MV this week and then finalize everything before started the promotion. Mark hyung would be staying in Korea this year so we had to pack everything this year. An album, promotion then maybe fan meeting." I just nodded as his world was completely different from mine.

"You're going to come to the promotion, aren't you?"

"Am I allowed? I thought they still didn't let any audience in the studio," I frowned as I remembered they had to change the regulation due to COVID.

"Why would you be in the audience? You're going backstage of course," he said as if I said something silly.

"Do Mae unnie, Elle unnie and Ellie unnie come too?" This was going to be the first time they were having a comeback with some members were already in a relationship. Last time everyone was single, but Jackson oppa has announced his marriage, while the others still kept it a secret.

"I don't know. Ellie maybe, since Jackson has made it official, but Mae and Elle noona? Maybe not. Considering Elle noona still has a cafe to attend to, and Mae has a fix working hour," he answered.

"Do I have to come? It'd be weird if it was just me," I admitted.

"Why would it be weird? The maknaes surely will be glad to see you, just don't hang out with them too much. I don't want you to get affected by Yugyeom. Jinhyuk was right when he said he was going to kill Yugyeom. I'd kill him myself." It was funny how both of them felt the same way regarding Yugyeom. Poor big baby. He thought Jinyoung was going to be different than Jinhyuk, but he got the worse twin.

"Okay fine, only if my schedule allows me," I answered and he was satisfied with my answer.

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