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Her refusal to stay behind somehow made me angry. I acted up again. I went to my usual bar after the shooting has finished but I went home before I was wasted. I still remembered not to get another tattoo as I haven't even removed the other one. Luckily it was sweater weather already, so I got long sleeves sweaters and cardigans as my outfit on the set. Seon-young took out my stitches the other day and it healed up nicely. She stitched it nicely. I was rude to the butler, and even to my manager. Poor my manager. I just used him to vent my anger. I didn't know if she sensed it or not since I haven't seen her for several days. My schedule and hers didn't match. She would come at the house early in the morning after her night duty and I'd be on the set already. Then if I got home early, she would have a night shift or the afternoon one, and she had visited him in the morning already.

However, tonight somehow I saw her in the house. She was just finished checking him. I checked my watch, it was 8 PM. I didn't want her to leave just yet.

"Have you had dinner yet?" I asked her. I was hoping she hasn't.

"Not yet," she replied curtly.

"Then eat with me. I'll order something, what do you want?" I was not asking, I wanted her to stay. Luckily she complied with my request.

"Chicken?" She suggested and I nodded. Chicken it is, then. I called the chicken place nearby and told her to wait while I washed up. It was fast though, it came when I was still in my room.

"I received the delivery, it came when you're still in your room," she reported immediately when I just came out of my room.

"It's okay. Come on, let's eat," I told her to get a plate and started to dig in. Even though we were eating, both of us knew that each of us had something else in our mind that we didn't dare to say. I caught her looking at me several times, like she hesitated to ask something and then cancelled it.

"Just say it," I told her, still munching on my chicken. I wasn't supposed to eat chicken late at night, but I didn't care. I'd do anything to keep her here longer.

"I think I want to hear what you're about to tell me the other day," she answered. I paused eating and looked at her. She was serious.

"Are you sure? Do you have a day off tomorrow or what?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Yes, I took a leave tomorrow." I was just saying but she did have a day off tomorrow. My eyes grew bigger at the coincidence.


"Yes. I need to go home tomorrow. Tomorrow is my grandmother's death anniversary." Ugh, and here I wished that I could take her somewhere on her day off. "So?" She pestered.

"Just finished your chicken first then I'll talk," I motioned to the box of chicken and relieved when she stopped pestering me and went back eating.


"How do you feel today?" I asked the second Jinyoung.

"Good." He was rather quiet today. Usually he would ask me tons of questions, questions that I was not allowed to answer.

"Any difficulty in breathing?" He was off the oxygen completely now. No more catheter, already ate solid food.

"No." Again, another short answer. I bet Jinyoung's manager didn't answer his questions either. I guessed his parents were the one behind all this secrecy, but I wasn't sure. They were never here, so I coudn't be sure about it.

"What about physiotherapy? Getting better?" I tried to ask something else to make him talk.

"Just so-so. Walk to the toilet and back without difficulties, but still it's tiring even though it's just a short distance. Still can't hold my own spoon and fork," he replied, a bit longer this time.

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