112 - Timothee Chalamet

Start from the beginning

We have a table read today or at least scenes between Timothee and I. They're doing a chemistry read between the two of us. Yeah, they casted the both of us, and haven't gotten a chemistry read between the two of us. 

I arrive to the chemistry read and I walk in to see Timothee. " Hey it's a pleasure to meet you, " he tells me reaching out his hand.   

" It's a pleasure to meet you as well, I've heard so much about you, " I tell him shaking his hand as well. 

That was the first time I ever met Timothee, and immediately I started liking him. Or at least on the physical level, I found him attractive. But when we started filming, that's when more emotions started to emerge. 

" Nikko, have you ever seen a naked woman? " I ask him, he stands there facing away from me. 

" Princess... I don't think that would be something I should answer, " he tells me. I walk towards her go in front of him, and grabbing a hold of his shoulders." Madam... " he begins as his breath hitches, he's an amazing actor I have to say. 

" Nikko, you can touch me if you want, " I tell him, he looks up at me. He hesitates at first, and I grab a hold of him, and move him closer so he's touching my breast. He's not actually, but it will look like he is. He squeezes, which causes me to lightly moan. Which this is all scripted. 

" Can I kiss you? " He asks, I nod towards him. He leans in and kisses me, and I quickly start kissing him back. This is the first intimate scene between the two of them. The scene gets more intense, as he pushes me against the wall. As we begin to get more into the scene. 

" Someone's coming, " I tell him, he moves us back into the closest. I am koala hugging him, and it looks like he's currently inside me. Like stuff like that. 

" The princess will have to find a husband eventually, " Alan (Van Sprang) states, as he entered the room. 

" Captain, you have been working in this family for how long? Since you were 19, she will find a husband. But she deserves to fall in love the way my daughter did, if she falls for a commoner, are you going to try to forbid it? " Imelda (Staunton) says, she's playing my grandmother in this. 

" Mariana, what if it comes and she'll be queen? " Matt (Smith) asks, who plays my dad/the king.  

" You have how many sons before her? My dear son-in-law, let her love who she pleases to love. Or she will be like your sister-in-law and just disappear, and you know full in well she's capable of it, " Imelda tells him, the three walk out and we stay there in shock. 

" Is my grandmother actually fighting for me? " I ask him, he nods towards me. I lean in and begin to kiss him again, and we begin to fully finish the scene. 

" Great work guys, great work! " Valentina tells us, she's pretty much co directing with Maxwell, because he wanted to get her insight on the matter. And didn't want to destroy her baby. So she's been in the process of everything pretty much. 

" Okay so you guys aren't in the next scene, so just take a break, " Maxwell tells us, we both nod towards him walking off the set. 

" So what made you want to do this? " Timmy asks to me, I lightly chuckle towards him. 

" I love the series, I've been reading Valentina's works since her first published book. Plus, I've always wanted to step out of my comfort zone, and ironically play the princess for once. And not a servant, or a handmaid, or something like that. I thought it would be interesting. Why did you do it? " I ask back, he just smiles. 

" I loved the idea of being able to make this come alive. As well I've always wanted to work with you, and when this opportunity happened, I knew I needed to do it. I also just think it's an amazing work of art, and the script was fantastic, " he tells me, I give him a nod. 

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