King of Hill

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Some time has passed since power surge mini-cons and Starscream. So far bots had collected artifacts of Cybertron, while Nova was testing her new weapon; Galaxia. She was in the forest, making sure no one was around as she put up barrier around the area. Nova swing her sword as though she was practicing. She swing her sword at the boulder which let out a mixture of blue and purple energy sword beam which cut in half.

Nova stared at the Saber as she stated, "Woah...That's way more explosive than I thought. Good thing I surrounded the forest with a barrier or I would attract unwanted attention.""

She turned off the barrier as she was about to head back when she felt a presence which caused her to swing her saber at her intruder. However, the intruder happens to Bee in his human form, standing there with a Saber near his throat.

"I see your getting used to the new Saber." Bee said nervously.

Nova put away her saber quickly as she said, "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to point the weapon at you. What are you doing here?"

"Just wondering where you are then I realize where you might be. I knew I find you here in your secret spot. Not to mention, Sideswipe was getting bored and said that he wanted action." Bee said with a smile.

Nova smirked as she placed her hand on his cheek, "Well, we did handle massive threats before, even Starscream after finding out he was responsible for the rumor. I'm sure that whatever comes at us, we'll always be ready for anything."

Bee wrapped his arms around her waist and said, "Yeah, your probably right. Hey, this could be our big break and maybe we might spend time together, just you and me."

Nova giggled, "Oh my Bee, flirting with me during duty, aren't you naughty?"

"You know me." Bee smirked as they exchanged kiss with each other until they were interrupted by Fixit.

::All personnel to the Command Center, imme-imme-imme-imme immediately:: 

Bee and Nova pulled away from each other as she sighed, "So much for our big break. But as the saying goes, evil never sleeps."

Soon everyone was in Command center. 

"Based on the highway patrol's reports of drivers being run off the road, they might be dealing with a Decepticon. Given that there is an underground nuclear waste disposal site in the area, I thought it best to inform you." Fixit explained.

"You did the right thing, Fixit. But you said might be a 'Con. Are you reading a Decepticon signal at that location?" Bumblebee asked.

"I cannot confirm, lieutenant. It's possible, mineral deposits at the location are affecting my sensors." Fixit said.

"Well, if it is a Decepticon, it sounds like an annoying road-hog, not a world-conqueror. And action on the roads shouldn't affect the nuclear waste disposal site. Strongarm, Sideswipe, you want some action GroundBridge over and look into it." Bumblebee said

"Yes, sir!" Strongarm answered.

"Aw, yeah! Finally! Let's rev up and roll out!" Sideswipe cheered, causing Nova to snickered.

"Uh-uh. Mine." Bumblebee said meaning the battle-cry. "If it's a big problem, call it in and we'll come help out. But I'm sure you can handle it."

"Yeah, so are we!" Sideswipe replied.

"We'll do you proud, sir." Strongarm added.

"Have fun, you guys." Nova said.

Bee questioned, "Your not going with them?"

Transformers RID; New BeginningsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora