One of Our Mini-Cons Is Missing

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Nova was sleeping in the cabin for having a nap. But she was turning side to side. You see, she was having a nightmare.


Nova was running. She wasn't sure where she needed to go, but for some reason, something was leading her to somewhere.

She soon arrived at the statue on the near river. She knows where she is. But something was up. The sky was getting dark, but not by rain clouds. Something else was up. She then notices something on statue's pillar. There's some sort of the device near it. It looked like a portal. Then she looked up and saw up three Bots tied up. She recognized two them, Sideswipe and Strongarm. But Nova wasn't sure who the third one is. They were yelling by pain because the power coming from the portal. She wanted to go and help them, but something holds her still. She felt fighting behind her, but she couldn't move. It's like some sort of force hold her still.

The portal came active. Nova wasn't sure what was going to happen, but then someone was coming from it. All she saw was dark and purple color. But then she saw its hands..... 

End of Dreamscape

Nova got up from her bed sweating. She felt something on her legs. She looked down and saw the Luna, the kitty cat that has been staying with her along with Campy. They looked at her with innocents eyes.

"Oh hey, Luna? Campy?" She said the kitty after calming down while Campy croon with relief. Right, then she notices that she left a window open for fresh air. She sighed, pick the kitty which Campy hopped onto her shoulder and get up.

Nova rubbed her eye, letting a yawn. She wondered, 'What's up with that dream? Could it be my vision? Who was that in the portal? ......Maybe I'll figure that out later.'

She walks to the command center to see if anyone was there, but it looks like she only found Grimlock and Russell. Nova greeted them as she sat easily on the broken car in the junkyard, leaning back, listening to Russell telling about Hank, the girl on his football team. He was saying how she backed him up when he confronted the quarterback about his throw. When he thanked her, she said 'Just pay it forward,'

"She said it means now I've gotta help somebody," he said with a broad smile. "So... anyone been pushing you around?"

"You kidding?" Grimlock smirked down at him. Nova couldn't help but snort at the notion of anybot pushing Grimlock. "Nobody pushes me. But if they did, I like pushing back." he thrust his servos forward, freezing before grinning widely. "See? Totally pushed that air."

Nova shook her head, a smile on her face. She smiled at Russell, "I haven't been pushed around recently, but if I can think of anything I'll let you know."

Everyone in the area jumped as an alarm went off. Fixit called out to everyone, "We have incoming!"

Nova twisted, feeling Russell struggle to do the same, just in time to see whatever it was incoming bounce off the mountain, right into the junkyard as the others ran past her.

"Stay back, Russell." Nova ordered softly.

"Fixit," Bee commed. "It looks like an escape pod,"

::I'm detecting a life-from inside:: the minicon responded, Bee putting the comm through his speakers so they could hear.

Strongarm frowned, getting into an offensive position. "It could be a Decepticon."

Sideswipe shrugged, looking down at Strongarm, "Or maybe some bot just got lost."

Grimlock had his servos together, praying to Primus. "Somebody to punch, please be somebody to punch!"

Bumblebee looked all of them over, "Either way, high alert." He then commed the base, "Denny, Russel, Nova, hang back." 

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