Graduation Exercises

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::And we got to be a part of a Rear Axle concert!:: Nova commed.

"You did what!? How did you pull that off?" Piper said, looking surprised.

::Bisk and his minicons were after a soundboard, and they were at the Thunderdome where the concert was at. Piper, tell Sire that we didn't mean to expose Bee to the humans, but before I even knew what was happening there we were on stage!::

Piper smiled as she was inside Sideswipe, trailing behind Optimus' bumper as they drove to the next destination ::The battle was perfect with the music! And, we got a picture with them with Russell! It was the greatest night of my life!::

"That's so cool, Nova," Piper smiled again. "Anything else interesting happening over there while we're gone?"

"Has Strongarm messed with any of my stuff?" Sideswipe asked Piper, quickly passing Optimus.

Piper rolled her optics before listening to Nova.

::Grimlock kind of had the same problem Bulkhead had once which almost accidently blow up the machine:: Nova continued. ::Then......Soundwave came to the scrapyard.::

"Soundwave?" Piper said with shock. She heard about Soundwave from Nova's story and how dangerous the Con is. "But How did --?!"

::We kinda....opened a ground bridge, and I'm assuming Soundwave happened to be in the right place at the right time and opened one right next to it. Bam, shadowzone entrance.::

"Impossible....How did he get to earth?"

::Well, Bee assumed that after Megatron fell to the earth, Soundwave followed him. And when he was revived by Unicron, Soundwave couldn't follow him, leaving him stranded on Earth::

"What happened?"

::Bee was locked into the Shadowzone while I was captured by Soundwave, and Denny, Russell and Fixit were the only ones that were able to help him. Soundwave started using ground bridges as his defense, so they opened one at the same time he did, Bee came into the normal zone and sent the two of them back into it! ::

"That's great, Nova," Piper sighed in relief. "I'm glad he didn't hurt you. I mean he does hold a grudge for what you did."

::Oh yeah. At least I'm not going in there to try to face him again::

"But, how are we sure he isn't going to just try it again?"

::We're not ... Which is why we need to put up heavy security once you come back from your mission. I also told Raf and the others as well to be on guard as well, in case if he tries anything.::

"Yeah I wouldn't want to see his face."

::So, How's Optimus?::

"Oh you know....Same old, same old. He's leading the mission now. At least he's starting to recover."

::That's good to hear then. Anyway, I better go now, duty calls.::

"Sure Nova. See ya!"

:: Keep in touch:: Nova said lastly before ending the call.

Piper noticed the way she talk, she seems too happy for some reason. 'I wonder what's up with her? Did something happen while we're away?'  Optimus' engine revved, his speed increasing to where he was driving beside Sideswipe.

::Windblade, Are there any new readings?:: He called to her

::Initial reports are confirmed, Optimus :: she reported from above. ::The security field protecting one of my supply caches has been engaged. But I can't tell if there's been a breach.::

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