Prisoner Principles

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Nova was still stuck with Steeljaw and his pack. Though, she is still bothered with Steeljaw's plan and the mysterious voice. What were they trying to do?

More importantly, Does Steeljaw know that she was the herald? She did erase his memories, along with his pack. She also began to wonder about the 'third option' that Steeljaw spoke off. She stared at Steeljaw who was discussing to his pack of finding another nuclear fuel since they lost another.

Nova didn't bother as she secretly trying to comm Bee by using her watch but wasn't able to get a signal. 

"If your trying to contact your friends, don't bother. This ship had subsonic jamming frequency that jams any signals, including your watch."

Nova groaned as she realize that Steeljaw was behind her. "Oh that's just great. I bet your enjoying this." 

"Maybe. But...."

Nova felt a shock from her collar which made her yelped. Irritated, She can see that Steeljaw enjoyed it.

"I don't appreciate how you helped them back there." Steeljaw said, holding a remote.

Nova glared before she asked, "I need to know something. That mysterious benefactor.....he mentioned about your false intel about my existence. Could it be you knew I was the herald?"

Steeljaw knelt down, leaning closed to her face. "What do you think, Nova? Or should I call you Novera Prime?"

Nova's eyes widened, knowing that her suspicions were right. Steeljaw added, knowing what she was going to say, "I know what your thinking? How is it I was able to remember you despite my memories were erased? Let's just I kept a record in case something important is missing."

He pulled something out of his secret compartment which he holds some kind of disc. "Oh Wow you kept some kind of holo-diary. That's so cute." Nova remarked with sarcasm.

"Knowing that you would try to erase my memory like what you did with my pack. I didn't want any important information to be left out."

Nova glared at him before looking away as she questioned, "Back there in the train tunnels, I still didn't hear about the 3rd option your having. What was it?"

Steeljaw answered, "Well, In case option 1 had failed and option 2 is out of the question. I had no choice but to use you as a leverage."

"You think by handing me to the High Council would try to take control of my life; in your dreams, Steeljaw."

Steeljaw growled when she mentioned that High Council as he stood up and said, "Tempting but that is not the plan beside I rather be offline than handing you over to them. Also, that wasn't my intention at all."

Nova got confused what he just said that's when he picked her up which startled her. "Hey!! What are you doing?" She said

"Oh we're leaving. Let's just say we found another way." Steeljaw said with a smirk.

Back in the cave, Piper was tinkering something on the device after she heard from Bee that Nova was found however after looking through his memory banks, she noticed a device around her neck. Fixit deduced that it might have been some kind of restraint device that prevents her from escaping. Piper thought of a way to remove the device on her as she picked up thrashes or any leftover parts she can find.

Right then, alarm came on and everyone arrived at the temporary Command center.

"My scanners picked up Decepticon signals near a nuclear power plant!" Fixit said.

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