The Fastest Bot Alive!

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(A/N Not about Nova, It's Piper Time)

Bee and his were doing their own things in Scrapyard while Nova was sent on away mission by Fowler, something about the project they were working on. Bee was disappointed to watch her leave which she assure she will be back and left Piper in charge, much to her delight.

She felt bored so she decide to do something for example; fixing broken washing machines that grimlock broke, playing fetch with Campy using a rubber duckie she found which turns out he likes the squeaky noise, brushing Luna fur and exploring the scrapyard to find tools or gears that can be used for experiment.

 When she heard Fixit asking all team members to Command center, She didn't bother to go, since she had pretty good guess it has something to do with Fixit's experiments on how to combine Team to Ultra Bee. 

Piper was looking through the scraps until they heard a familiar voice yelling across the scrapyard and then hit on something. Campy and Luna seems startled by the noise.

"Whoa?! What was that?!" Piper said and went look what happened. Piper went to see what was that. They came first to find dizzy Dinobot under some Denny's stuff along with Sideswipe, Drift, Denny and Russell came.

"Grim, what's with the pogo stick routine?" Sideswipe asked.

"I don't know. I just tried to stand up, and the next thing..." Grimlock tried to say before he just gets up so quickly and landed to another aisle when he 'jumped'. "I'm all right."

Piper winced, seeing the fallen items, "Ouch....That's not going to be easy to clean up, huh?"

"Why?" Denny whined. "Why, why, why didn't I listen to my Uncle Henny? He wanted me to run a sponge warehouse." Campy and Luna nuzzled his leg for comfort as usual.

"Next thing I knew, something a lot like that happened. Ow." Grimlock finished.

"I told you the combiner-effect would be temporary." heard Fixit's voice while he, Bee and Strongarm came.

"Thank the Primes." Strongarm sighed. "Not that I don't enjoy working closely with you, sir."

"Fixit, we need this worked out. We can't have team members paralyzed during a crisis." Bee said.

As they walked over to where Grimlock was.

"Okay, what's the story here?" Bee asked.

"Do not demonstrate." Drift said to Grimlock.

"Every time Grim tries to move, he takes off like a pulse blast."

"It's possible the particle sampler wasn't calibrated for Dinobots. Rather than be extracted, his nano-cells may have been hypercharged, resulting in temporarily accelerated velocity across all extremities." Fixit explained.

Fixit notice everyone didn't understand what he meant which Piper clarified, "Ahem....What he meant to say is Grimlock has now super speed."

"What? Oh, get out of here! It's like I've always dreamed. No more teasing because I'm a half-step behind everybody else." Grimlock said before moving the upper body to straight to sit before talk to Sideswipe. "Hear that? In. Your. Face." he said and intended just poke on Sideswipe's chassis, but because the super speed it pushed Sideswipe far until it crashed on something.


"You should restrict movement, for the time being, Grimlock. And I advise you not to transform. An accelerated transformation might tear you apart." Fixit warned.

"He's right. It won't be pretty if that happens." Piper advises as well

"Aw! I really wanted to help out the team by being fast for once." Grimlock whined.

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