The Trouble with Fixit

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(A/N This is my favorite chapter so I added the video where Fixit took down the Autobots and one Decepticon. Plus, it was humorous the way Fixit wipe the floor with them. Also, Nova is not going to be on this chapter, so I add Piper in this chapter instead since she wanted to be in the action.)

The next day, The team searches through the fruitlessly before attempts to use the equipment to pinpoint their quarry. It points them to the spaceship's crash site where and the indeed find , stuck in place and repeating the word "escape" over and over. Unfortunately a bear picks that moment to amble out of the bushes. Sideswipe attempts to shield Fixit and ends up being chased onto a log, which breaks under his weight. The two Mini-Cons take over, and though doesn't fare well, manages to get it to hit its head and the beast retreats. Sideswipe knocks Fixit out of his vocal rut and takes the bemused Mini-Con back to base.

"Bumblebee!" the minicon cheered, moving towards us. "Sideswipe taught me this hilarious new riddle!"

Sideswipe groaned, Jetstorm and Slipstream shadowing Fixit. "I didn't -"

"Why was I at the Alchemor, repeating the word 'escape?'"

"I give up. Why!?" Grimlock pushed past Bee, looking at Fixit with curious optics.

"I don't know!" Fixit exclaimed, before he burst into a fit of laughter. Everyone looked at him strangely as Russell and Denny pulled him away.

"Sir, Fixit's glitches are getting worse and worse," Strongarm reported. "If he suffers one at the wrong time, somebot is going to get hurt,"

"Like me," Sideswipe growled. "By a bear."

"We've been aware Fixit was damaged since we found him," Bee continued on. "I should have done something about it before now,"

"Shoo! I'm fine! Shoo!" Fixit said in the command center to Denny and Russell.

"You're not fine, Fixit," Bumblebee urged. "You need repair,"

"I do not need despair - eclair, repair!" he argued.

"There are a few gaps in my memory banks," he retorted. "But some degeneration in the processors is normal for a minicon of my experience,"

"He means he's old," Sideswipe translated for Grimlock.

"I prefer 'seasoned.'"

"You're injured," Bumblebee stated firmly. "And we need you at your best, or the team can't be at its best,"

"I learned that the hard way, Fixit," Grimlock added from behind Bee.

Fixit dropped his helm slightly.

"Slipstream, Jetstorm,  Your digits are the right size, We perform a diagnostic on Fixit." Bee said to Drift's minicon.

Slipstream said, bowing, "It would be an honored."

Jetstorm added, "And thrilled....I've always wish to crack open to see the inside...."

Before they were interrupted by Drift, giving them a stern look. Jetstorm quickly changed the subject. "We will be most careful." He said with a bow.

"Excuse me," Fixit interrupted. "No offense, but I'd prefer the test to be performed by Denny Clay,"

"Me!?" Denny retorted. "I-I don't know how to diagnose robots from other planets! Or how to diagnose robots from this  planet!"

"Don't sell yourself short, Denny Clay," Fixit eased. "You've worked extensively beside me on the  Cybertronian technologies. Like the decepticon hunters. And if you can fix the bubbler on a nukebox, I'm certain you can fix me,"

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