Collateral Damage

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Nova managed to recovered from the dizziness, no thanks to Steeljaw who almost cost a meltdown. She hoped that Bee and her friends managed to stop it before any humans get hurt. Fortunately, she noticed her collar was no longer active which means that Piper succeed in deactivating. 

Steeljaw called, "Nova, Come on. It's time." 

Nova was getting ready.

 In a few hours, they will go to meet the mystery con, who has demanded nuclear-fusion fuel rods. And he somehow holds the connection to those who let Steeljaw come back to earth. But everything feels weird. 

Steeljaw started a rebellion against High Council and he was put to prison. But now they send him back here? To taking care of Bumblebee and his team, but also get her back to Cybertron. But Steeljaw is not planning to give her up to them. Won't they discover it sooner or later? But wait, this mystery Con has a connection to them. What if he already has told them about her? Or maybe that's what they will ask after this. And then what? The more big question is if they have prepared something if Steeljaw turns against them?

Nova couldn't think more questions when Steeljaw arrived. "We're going now?" she asked.

"Yes," he answered. Then, there was deep silence.

"What if it is a trick?" Nova questioned

"To get fuel rods? I don't think so. But I'm not going to give until I know why he needs them. If it is something bad like it was with Megatronus I won't let him have them."

"But what about...?"

"I don't care if it goes against my benefactors. If it has something to do with you or this planet, I won't do it."

Nova looked at him surprised. Is he really ready to go against them, if it doesn't go well? But why then she feels uneasy? If they were ready to blame her Sire, blame her family, sent back a group of criminals to earth, and help this mystery con with something, wouldn't they be ready for setbacks as well?

There's one way to figure this out. Follow Steeljaw.

Nova was planning to contact Bee but decided against it so that he won't get suspicious. Not only that, she still wants to know who the mystery con is.

Soon as Steeljaw left with fuel rods, Nova followed him from behind as he got coordinates to the meeting place and she told it to Nova, so she knew where to go. Luckily, it wasn't far. It is an old demolition derby arena.

Soon as she got there, she just stood there with her arms crossed while Steeljaw has already transformed and facing the con he was supposed to meet. But what she saw shocked her more. She knew that Con. He was no one else but...

"Soundwave..... So it was you my benefactors wanted me to meet here And I assume it was you directing our mission from the Shadowzone," Steeljaw said. 

 Nova couldn't believe her eyes. Soundwave, the most dangerous Decepticon and Megatron's loyal follower was standing there but in a different form. 

"I take it that allowed you to break the dimensional barrier?"

' How did he get out?! Not only that....He's the one who stole the Decepticon Hunters?!' Nova wondered.

"A powerful weapon I remember well when I had one like it. How did you acquire it, may I ask?" Steeljaw questioned.

"Those who share my objective genetically engineered a series of Activator Mini-Cons and programmed them to collect the weapons for me." Soundwave answered.

'So that's how he managed to get it. Those footprints....were the work of the mini cons.' Nova narrowed her eyes.

"I suspect "those" you speak of are the same "those" who saw to my release from stasis."

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