True Colors

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Nova was with Bee's team, still searching for more Stasis Pods. It took a week to find them, apparently Denny wasn't there at the scrapyard because he had to run some delivery. He also ask a favor if he could borrow Campy for a company. Probably using him as a metal disposable which Nova allowed him. Right now, they were searching for the pods until they found one.

Nova vented as she peered down at the 'empty' pod in her Titan Mode. "We came through, what, seven miles of mud to find nothing."

Strongarm peered in at the mud, frowning. "To be fair, it's not really empty, ma'am."

Nova rolled her optics, turning to watch as Sideswipe tried to pull more branches out of his armor. "It's not that bad, Sideswipe. You can hose down back at base."

Sideswipe groaned, wiping some mud from his legs. "After it's ruined my finish!"

Bumblebee shook his helm at everyone, "We still need to bring it back to base."

Sideswipe held onto Nova's arms, pleading with her. "Please, please bridge us back!"

Nova chuckled, opening a portal beside them all. "Planning on it, Sideswipe." She stepped around him to pick up the pod. "You all go through first."

Bumblebee smiled before going through the bridge to get a spot ready. Strongarm followed behind him, glad to be out of the mud soon. Sideswipe practically ran through, though almost slipping on the mud.

Nova turned as Grimlock didn't go through. "You can't want to walk back, Grim?"

Grimlock turned to her, narrowing his optics. He lowered his head, growling at her lowly.

She frowned up at him, "Grimlock?"

Grim shook his head before walking through the ground bridge.

Nova slowly walked through after him, setting the pod down where Bumblebee was waiting. She was just repositioning the pod when an alarm rang out through the base. She activated both of her guns, looking around the base.

Bumblebee ducked when her guns went over him, "Whoa, Nova!" He then turned towards Fixit, "What's that noise?"

Fixit hastily stopped the alarm when Nova aimed her staff in his direction. "It's fine!" He relaxed when she lowered her staff, making it disappear. "It's our new, pox, uh, proximity alarm."

Russell ran down the ramp, grinning. "Which I know how to operate, because I was totally listening."

Fixit glared down at him, "Oh you were hardly..." He vented before looking back at the team. "Anyway, how did the mission go?"

Bumblebee glared down at the pod before looking back at Fixit, "We wandered through 7 kliks of mud to find an empty pod."

Strongarm opened the pod as she spoke, "To be accurate, the pod wasn't completely empty." Once the doors opened, more mud fell out. She then turned to Sideswipe, motioning with her servo. "Sideswipe, tell Fixit how you lent a hand." She smirked at him, "Oh, that's right. You didn't."

Sideswipe glared up at her from his spot on the ground, pausing in getting more branches free from his armor. He then quickly got up, motioning to her. "Hey, if anyone slowed us down it was Grimlock!" He turned to Grimlock, frowning up at him. "I've seen fried circuits livelier than you were today."

Nova motioned towards her friend, "I don't think Grim is feeling that well today." She wanted to give her friend the benefit of the doubt because something was wrong with him. She just didn't know what...

Sideswipe chuckled up at the dinobot, holding his hands up, "No offense." He then cried out as Grimlock smacked him with his tail, sending him flying.

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