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It was peaceful in the Scrapyard, Fixit was saddened that Piper had to go back since her duty was done. She did promised to visit whenever she's needed. Nova can see Grimlock planning to do a video diary to keep track of what was happening so he enlisted Russell to record it for him. She chuckled at Grimlock's idea as she sees Bee standing there, staring at the sky, like he was in thought.

Nova thought about Piper's advice then decided it's time she tell him. She walked up to Bee who was in thought before he noticed her. Bee greeted, "Hey, Nova. How are you?"

"Fine thanks. It sure is quite a lovely day." Nova said, feeling awkward.

In fact, it was awkward for both of them. Since the stunticons were captured, she no longer have to hide it anymore. Nova took a breath as she spoke, "Bee, there's something I want to tell you."

Bee turned to her, "What is it, Nova?"

"Do you remember when you all came to my secret base island? And there was a vault that was an off limit area."

Bee said with curiosity, "What about that?"

'C' mon, Nova say it. Now's the time to tell him about the spacebridge.' Nova said to herself. "The truth is, the vault is actually....."

As she was about to say something when suddenly an alarm went on and security system prepared to fire, but missiles shot them first. And soon there rain of blasts intending to hit them.

"What's going on?!" Nova said in shock.

"So what's happening now is, apparently, we are under attack!" Grimlock said until there was one blast right front of him.

"Russell! Stop filming! And come on!" Denny shouted and picked his son before some of the blasts almost hit Grimlock. "Come on, we need to get to cover!"

"Does anyone have eyes on our attackers?" Bee asked through com-link. "They're using Cybertronian ordinance! We have to..." Right then one blast hit right at them and knocks them out.

"Denny! Russell!" Nova shouted and went help them.

Recovering from the blast, Denny and Russell are retrieved by Strongarm, then set off to find Fixit while Nova found Campy and Luna as she grabbed them, protecting them with her shield. Bee and Grimlock stayed to secure that everyone was out from the open.

"Autobots! Rendezvous at the Command Center! Maybe we can..."Bee informed to com-link until he got hit to it. "Autobots! Autobots! Scrap!"

Bee couldn't stay any longer waiting. So he transformed to vehicle mode and left to Command center with Nova while Grimlock  followed.

At the Command center Sideswipe to avoid the blasts as well

"Whoa! What is this? Did someone forget to pay the electric bill?" Sideswipe said.

Right then, Bumblebee and Grimlock came with Nova, Campy and Luna.

"Sideswipe, situation report." Bumblebee said.

"Best I can figure, they're on the cliffs!" Sideswipe informed and pointed the cliff close to them. Sadly, they couldn't see who were there because of the sun.

"Incoming!" Grimlock shouts for notice missile, which hit on the Command center.

Nova used her 'dark' power to make the wall rise from the ground to cover them from the blasts.

"This is no good! We have to evac! Cover me!" Bee said to Sideswipe and gave his gun to him. Then went to the Groundbridge to activate it.

"Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" he shouts. In this Strongarm arrives with Denny, Russell, Fixit, and Aqua, while Grimlock picks his trailer with Nova before they go through the bridge. "Sideswipe!"

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