The Champ

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In the forest, Nova was practicing her powers, farther from the scrapyard by tapping into Dark Energon. Because she didn't want Bee and his team freaked our about it so she did it secretly. Her left eye turned purple, glowing flaring. (Like Black rock shooter)

She focus on the ground, trying to create the rock clones which it worked. The ground began to rumble as the clone emerged before standing itself. Nova inspected the clone, looking around in circle as she said, "Not bad, it looks similar to my duplications."

Nova used her power of the Allspark to create a duplicate of herself, causing her right eye to glow brightly. Nova compared the clone and the duplicate. One was made of stone while the other look like reflection of herself. Nodded, as she closed her eyes before she dismiss her hand which causes the duplicate to disappear while the clone to crumble back into rocks.

She slowly opened her eyes, revealing her left purple eye is now reverted back to blue. Nova sighed to herself, "Remember Nova, the dark energon can only be use when its necessary. I mean Its not like I use it all the time."

She head back to the command center only to see everyone were not at the command center except Denny, Russell, Fixit and Grimlock. Nova asked where they are which they explained about a Decepticon, Groundpounder at the Rumble-Dome. Then, Fixit added that he teleported them on the wrong coordinates due to the glitches.

Nova facepalmed as she said, "I suppose I should help them then." She was about to leave until Fixit added, "About that...Bumblebee said they can handle it and leaving you in charge for watching over Grimlock."

"What?!" She questioned.

Denny said quickly, "He said that your the closest thing whose a responsible person. So.....That's why he told us to wait for you so that we could disguise him as a contestant."

Nova groaned, faceplamed, 'Do you have to leave me in charge, Bee?'

Fixit was watching on the screen when he noticed something. Grimlock asked, noticing it as well, "What's wrong with that one?"

"Judging how mechanosaurus moving, it looks like it had a problem with the approximate servos. " Fixit said, typing on the screen.

Nova walked up to ramp and stared at the screen as she squinted at the screen before she added, "Or something is underneath them. Fxiti, maximize the visual under the vehicle."

Fixit turned to her before doing what she was told. As he spots smaller decepticon sabotaging the vehicle on the broadcast. Fixit said, "Headlock!!"

Grimlock said, "Sabotage!! Those lousy cheaters."

 Fixit disappointed to learn Groundpounder was a cheater after all. Nova walked over to him, placing his shoulder as she said, "I know it's devastating that your favorite gladiator turn out to be a cheater.....but seeing is believing."

At the Rumble-Dome

The MC announced, "Laddies and Gentlemen, The winner and new smashdown champion...GROUNDPOUNDER!!!"

The MC, along with the security guard who walked with him, heading towards Groundpounder who was striking a pose. Kasey run up to the MC and said, "None of that is on the script and my rig is trash."

The MC retorted, "Don't be a sore loser, Kasey."

Kasey felt infuriated as the security guard placed his hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry about your ride." He whispered.

Kasey turned to him before walking away, leaving the Arena. The guard (who appears to be 44 years old) turned to the MC who was knocking on the robotic ape. For some reason, he had this feeling that there's something suspicious about that contestant.

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