Railroad Rage

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Jetstorm and Slipstream were cleaning their teacher's swords when Piper came to them.

"Hey, Jetstorm....Slipstream, Whatcha' doin?" Piper said.

Jetstorm replied, "Oh Piper, We were just cleaning our master's sword."

"Oooh Neat.....May I watch you two work?" she asked.

"Sure," Jetstorm said.

"Is there something you need to maintain?" Slipstream asked.

"No. Aside Campy and Luna playing around, Fixit being busy and hehehe.... Bee and Nova having their quality moments." Piper said, snickering the last part.

Jetstorm and Slipstream chuckle, knowing what she meant.

"So.....How was the katana?"

"Almost ready," Jetstorm said and cleaned a bit the Katana. "Only when you can see yourself in your Wakizashi, will you know your warrior spirit is also within," Jetstorm said.

"The Teacher's wise words apply to the Katana as well. Just a little more, and my reflection will be visible." Slipstream said before they continued their work.

"Wow....You two really do admire your sensei." Piper noted.

While they continued cleaning, they heard Sideswipe having trouble to put something in the supply closet.

"Sideswipe, do you need help?"

"Uh Ahem! Uh, no, no! Uh, nothing going on here." Sideswipe said. "You can, uh, just get back to doing whatever lame grunt work you're doing for Drift today."

"Lame grunt work?" heard Drift voice behind him.

"Ooh Busted." Piper said.

"So you do not see the importance of maintaining one's weapons?" Drift asked.

"A well-maintained blade is one's first strike against a foe!" Jetstorm told.

"It is true. One smudge on a blade can alter the trajectory of its cutting motion." Slipstream said while picked another bottle to clean the sword. "Do you not keep your weapon in pristine condition, Sideswipe?"

"Of course not. Sideswipe prefers to spend his time on childish pranks." Drift reminds.

"You mean I like to have fun sometimes? Guilty!" Sideswipe said. "And I-I only pull pranks off duty. It's not like it affects my work! Right, Jet? Slip?"

JetStorm and Slipstream remained quiet until they sit down and continued their cleaning duties while Piper stared at him silently.

"You know, Swipe. I recall from one of earth saying told me that 'One joke too much may cost something important'. And I hate if it will cost a chance to walk or another body part. Or worse case, the trust. So, you should like I don't know....make minimal pranks." Piper suggested.

"That you do it at all shows how little you respect your teammates," Drift said. Sideswipe tried to mimic him quietly, but he was aware of that. But luckily, he knows to keep it calm. "I must now go and meditate in order to regain my equilibrium."

As Drift left the scene. "Thanks for the backup, guys," Sideswipe said to mini-cons.

"Do not worry, Sideswipe. The Master sometimes sounds harsh, but deep down, he is kind and forgiving." Jetstorm said.

"Aah!" heard Slipstream's shout and they all turned around to see what's going on. For some reason, Katana went pieces. "I was in such a hurry to finish, I grabbed the wrong bottle!"

"Hydrofluoric acid." Sideswipe read from the bottle. "Oh, yeah. Super-corrosive stuff. Ugh, Still think Drift will be kind and forgiving?" Sideswipe asked from Slipstream. He was so scared now.

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