Enemy of My Enemy

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Bee and Nova stayed in her island for a day, explaining everything to him. He understand how Nova was suspicious of the High Council's motive. According to what Megatron said, his intel did mention it was probably from his old forces. It was already morning as they were about to head back to the scrapyard so that their teammates won't have to wonder about it.

They're just going to pretend that they just wandered off after greeting them a good morning.

Or so they thought.

"Sheesh, We just came back like for awhile and this happens....This is not what I expected in the morning." Nova complained.

The sound of blasters echoed throughout the scrapyard. Unfortunately, Everyone are pinned down in the scrapyard as they are attacked by their own security system. The televisions were going haywire along with all the machineries around them.

"Fixit! You messed up a security cannon again! And everything else!" Bee said, holding a metal to shield himself. Nova was holding Campy and Luna tightly, putting up shield around her where Denny and Russell's hiding spot.

Fixit said nervously, "Some outside element activated the Scrapyard's electrical systems!"

He yelped while avoiding the lasers. The team wondered who did before they said in unison.


Grimlock who was hiding behind the rocket figure as he spoke, "Wasn't me. You guys are mean!"

 He ducked as the laser blast it before he added, "Are we under attack?"

 "I-I don't believe so, but..." Fixit said until he noticed the cannon began to fire rapidly only this time, heading towards to where he is.

"Huh? Oh, no!" Fixit said in panic

Just as Fixit is about to be blasted, Sideswipe came and manages to cut the power to the laser cannon, much to Fixit's relief. They head over to the command center as the looked around but didn't anyone attacking.

"I still don't see any sign of attackers What could've...." Bee said until they saw something in the sky, revealing to be a ship except it was in a cloaking device.

"Is it Steeljaw? Trying to destroy the Scrapyard again?" Strongarm said.

Nova was staring at the ship before her eyes flickered for a moment before she said with a smile, "Nope, It's not."

Bulkhead said, "Yeah, It's....."

The ship dis-cloak itself, revealing to be a Prime Force One.

Strongarm exlaimed, "Prime Force One!"

The ship beamed itself which Optimus and his team are presented, along with Drift that they hadn't seen him for awhile.

"We apologize if our arrival caused you any disturbance. We recently replaced our damaged cloaking system. We now use an experimental one devised by Ratchet! It's first deployment seems to have yielded mixed results." Optimus said.

"Pftt.....That would explain everything." Nova said sarcastically."

"I'm a medic, not an inventor! Although my triage shield for treating battlefield casualties has been a big success.

"Teamie!" Grimlock said happily as he rushed over to Drift, giving him a big hug.

"Grimlock, can you not simply wave hello?" Drift said weakly.

Sideswipe and Strongarm said unison, "Windblade!"

 "My two favorite track-burners." Windblade said gleefully. 

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