Something he ate

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After stopping Soundwave, Nova was back in the HQ to send a report to Fowler about it. He assure to her that he'll make sure to tell the Mayor about the 'Solar Flare' has been averted. She was also thankful to Raf about how he took care of Luna and Campy since Piper told him about her 'kidnapping.' He was happy to help since he likes them both. 

Nova and her pets teleported back to the cave where her team was waiting for her as they are heading back to the scrapyard now with Steeljaw's pack captured. Once they arrived, They saw how messy and destructive the damage is.

Denny groaned in despair.

Fixit said, "What .A .Mess."

Piper agreed, "Yeah...I can see that."

Bee said, "I forgot what a number Steeljaw and his pack did on this place."

Underbite said, who were in stasis cuffs," And I'll do worse to you when you let me out of these cuffs so I can power up."

Strongarm questioned with a smug, "And why would we do that, Underbite?"

Nova added, "Yeah we're not that stupid y'know?"

Underbite grunts, realizing the situation as he frowned, "Okay, good point."

Russell said, "All I care about is the satellite dish. I cannot miss Rebels of the Iron Crown tonight."

Denny said, "Sorry, kiddo. No rebelling until we get this place cleaned up."

"That sounds suspiciously like grunt work."

" Hey, grunt work built the greatest monuments known to man! The Taj Mahal, the Great Wall of China in fact, I have a vision."

Nova tilted her head with confusion and said, "Uh....What kind of vision?"

Denny explained, "We will stack these venerable antiques into the Great Pyramids of Scrap, a timeless monument to classic collectibles. And one heck of a marketing scheme."

Bee said, "Uh, great. Well, you bots help Denny with his "vision," while I show these 'Cons to their stasis pods."

Grimlock said with a pout, "Aw, I wanted to lock up the bad guys, not stack up the junk."

Denny corrected, "You mean, "build the pyramids?"" 

Strongarm said, "Grimlock, the lieutenant is our superior officer. It's our duty to do any scruddy job he tells us to."

Bee said, "Oh, come on.How hard could it be to stack some doodads?"

Piper said to him, "Don't you mean 'build some pyramids'?"

Sideswipe complained, "It's like, one minute we're heroes, the next, we're piling up old junk."

Bee said, "Oh, for the love of....... Fine. Grim, you put the prisoners in stasis."

Grimlock cheered, "Sweet! All right, you 'Cons! Start marching!"

Grimlock roar which they comply as they headed over to the stasis pods, making Nova worried. She asked, "Are you sure it's a good idea?"

Bee assured, "Don't worry....He's got this."

Nova shrugged, "Alright, I hope you know what your doing."

Bee turned to them, "Now, then. I'll help build the pyramids, and any other scruddy jobs you guys don't wanna do. And I'll do 'em without even straining my servos."

Nova and Piper glanced at each other with disbelief of what he just said. She had a bad feeling about this.

Sideswipe said, "Heh, you wanna haul the trash out to the dump for me, boss bot? I look forward to it!"

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