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Nova was at Unit E, visiting Raf as she smiled at him. "You seem to be fitting right in here."

Raf smiled at his reflection on the computer screen. "I like it here. It's nice to be doing this kind of stuff again."

Nova nodded softly as she placed her hand on Raf's head, ruffling his hair while watching him work. She already met Jack who is eager to see her and Miko who was bit a of a hugger, much to Nova's displeasure. However, she was so glad to see her old friends again.

After they left for their assignment, She was silent for a few minutes, thinking quietly. She looked up when Agent Fowler walked into the room. He nodded at some of the other workers before turning to them. "Hello, Agent Fowler."

Raf nodded as well, smiling softly. "Agent Fowler."

Fowler smiled at the two of them before handing a folder to Raf. "Some humans managed to snap some shots of the 'cons Bee's group is tackling. I need you to erase everything they have and make sure nothing is being circulated."

Nova looked down as Raf flipped through the folder. She rolled her eyes as she saw a blurry image of Steeljaw. "Ugh....I hate that 'con."

Raf smirked as he looked up at his friend. "Isn't he the one who beat you?"

Nova frowned down at him, "Yeah.....and the way he talk, It was so gross." She scoffed before leaving to let Raf do his job. "I'll see you two later!"

"Bye." Raf said

"See you later, Nova." Fowler added before watching her enter the portal. She's back at the scrapyard as she was about to head to the command center when she heard an alarm from her wristwatch; she set it as a reminder. 'Oh today is the day, I forgot about it. Maybe once I'm done, I should go there.' Nova thought.

Nova was about to head back when she saw Strongarm sneaking back into the scrap yard without noticing her. Curiously, she often saw her sneaking off base every week. 'Huh....I wonder where she's been off to?' before heading to the command center. As she made it there, she notice BumbleBee pacing around. Campy hopped onto her shoulder which she stroke his helm.

She looked up to see Bee is still pacing again. It seems that he had been pacing for over thirty minutes by that point.

Nova was about to say something when Denny cried out loudly, holding some weapons over his shoulder as he approached Bee with Fixit. "Eureka!"

Bee cried out loudly in fear, turning around quickly to face them.

Nova laughed loudly, doubling over, "Oh my gosh."

Denny tried not to laugh, doing his best to look apologetic, "Sorry, Bee. Did we startle you?"

Bee vented as he watched Nova almost falling to the ground from laughter. He felt a little embarrassed before turning to them, "Maybe a little. With no Decepticon activity lately, I've been kind of jumpy. I mean, I know something's coming. I just don't know when. So, all I can do is obsess about it and... ugh. I guess I just don't know how-"

Fixit then decided to jump up, yelling, "Good news!"

Bee jumped and cried out again, "Ah!" He then sighed. "To relax..."

Grimlock walked up, along with Sideswipe and Strongarm, tilting his helm. "What's going on?"

Bee motioned down to the smallest two of the group, "Either Fixit and Denny were about to tell me or they're gonna give me a third unnecessary jump-start."

Nova grinned at Bee while he glared at her, "What? I didn't do anything." She laughed again while Bee shook his helm, mumbling about her.

Fixit smiled up at Bee, "Sorry, sir, but Denny and I have finally succeeded in creating two working duplicates of your Decepticon Hunter."

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