Strange Connections

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(A/N This is during from Pretzel Logic because I rather skip it and show the part about Nova how her power started to feel overcharged or haywire for some reason.)

It's been 2 days since the incident with Scatterspike and Sawtooth, everything was peaceful.....sort of. In the morning, Grimlock manage to 'accidentally' break some machinery that can be used or found.  Three times in the whole afternoon which luckily Nova had to fix the damages he made, with a help from Denny and Russell. She complained that at this rate Grimlock won't be able learn how to be patient when it comes to mission.

It was night time, Bee planned for his team to split up in different places, in search of the relics and hoping there might be clues to where the Scavengers might be. Nova wanted to come as well however Bee told her that she can't come.

"Why not?" Nova said tiredly.

Bee said, "Because your gonna tire yourself beside I noticed you haven't rested after *cough* Grimlock's mess. I thought maybe you should deserve a break for awhile."

"No way. I'm coming with you on your search for the relic beside I can use my powers to locate them since I have access to the Iacon Data."

"I know that but when was the last time you sleep?"

Nova's body tensed as she looked away, Bee can tell that her face looked haggard and can see dark circles under her eyes. She's been up all night, looking through the Iacon Data Files, hoping it might find something useful where the scavengers might end up. Bee and his team seems worried when she noticed her tired expression and has been busy non-stop.

Nova kept denying it, telling Bee that she is alright which he doesn't buy it. Bee told the team to meet up with Fixit as they followed. Nova was to go as well but Bee scooped her up and walk off.

"Hey, put me down!!!" Nova said exhaustedly 

"No....You need to get some sleep, Nova." Bee said.

Nova grumbled as he added, "Please, For my sake.....I just don't want to see you tire yourself."

They stared at each other for a moment before Nova sighed in defeat. "Okay, Fine." Nova said with a pout look. 

Bee chuckled by her expression as he kissed her on the forehead before reaching her cable car cabin

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Bee chuckled by her expression as he kissed her on the forehead before reaching her cable car cabin. He placed her down as he spoke, "Next time, I promise I'll take you with us once your rested. Now get some sleep, good night Nova." 

Nova watched him leave as she complained, "Not cool, Bee. Using that cheap trick on me......But *yawn*  maybe he's right, I should sleep or else I'll get sleep deprived during mission." 

She head inside the cabin car, changing into her PJs that June, Jack's mother, gave her as she sat down on her sleeping bed. Nova still couldn't help but wonder about the minicon, what she saw in his mind was strange. It wasn't able to show her location of the Scavengers hideout or Sawtooth's reasoning instead it showed was visions and the power they possess.

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