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Nova was sitting on the old rectangular cabin cable car that she found in the corner of the junkyard. It made her recall back the time where she first sleep in her previous cable car. Denny try to suggest in sleeping in a trailer but she insisted that she decided to sleep there. She had her large sleeping bag along with her stuff where she can sleep peacefully, even Campy seems to agree as well. She managed to fixed the cable car with a little help from her powers, much to Denny surprise that she was able to fix things that was old and broken. 

She vented a sigh, thinking about her Sire, Optimus Prime. Her optics closed, feeling the wind move around her. She sat with her legs crossed, her servos resting gently in her lap. The sun shown brightly on her, its warmth shielding her away from the wind's cool air. She began to wonder why Optimus was able to communicate with Bee but not her. Nova focus, trying to search with her spark for Optimus, willing him to appear to her. However, as she opened her eyes, she got nothing.

'Still not getting used to it. I can see Primus through dreams yet I can't even see Optimus.' Nova thought in disappointed. Ever since she discovered she has visions the enables to see the future. Which would explain 4 years ago how she forseen Terrocons on Earth, Unicrons rising, Vector Sigma, Omega lock and lastly the day where she change Bee's fate. Campy came to her from out of nowhere and nuzzled her hand. Nova smiled by his adorableness as she petted his head.

Suddenly, there was a loud crash which she quickly took off (with Campy following her) and saw a huge pile scattered on the ground, with Bee poking out from the middle of it. She also see a guilty looking Sideswipe standing close by.

 "What did you do?!" Nova demanded.

"Hey, it was an accident! I didn't think they'd fall over like that." He replied sheepishly.

"Well, What'd you except when you stacked them on top of each other like that?" 

He huffs at being told off on.

"My 1978 volcano avenger machine!" Denny whimpers in distress at the sight of the pile.

She ran over, digging through the old arcade games with a help from Grimlock. They managed to dug Bee out as Nova tore the bobble-head off his head, Bee spit out the ball which he muttered, "Scrap."

"Are you alright, Bee?" Nova asked

"I'm fine." He replied. "You know when Optimus told us to stop doing something we stopped."

"Why?" Russell asked

"Because Optimus had this great commanding voice."

Campy tilted his head from Nova's shoulder. "Seriously?" Nova questioned.

 Bumblebee looked down at them."It's how I could tell when he was in Prime mode, It was like-ahem..."  He 'cleared his throat' before he made his voice deeper, imitating Optimus. "Strongarm, Sideswipe, Grimlock."

The three bots quickly gathered in front of him, gasping. "Huh?"

"There is no time for this foolishness. We have a galaxy relying on us and a mission to complete," Bumblebee completed his 'inspiring talk' with grandiose poses.

Nova snorted, covering her face, trying to keep herself from laughing. Honestly, He looked silly while doing those poses, but his words did have meaning. If Optimus himself needed them to be here, then something very bad was going to happen. They needed to be ready, not goofing off. But she knew that would be a major part of this team. Strongarm, Sideswipe and Grimlock all had very exuberant personalities. 

The air was silent for a moment after Bee finished his speech which it was obviously didn't help the others as they burst into laughter the next minute, Bee slouching.

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