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Nova just came from the late shower. Since she had been busy training more in her physical strength just in case she'll be facing a stronger opponent. After she had to send the report to Fowler about the incident. She told Raf to detect any anonymous signal which might be another starship, similar to the Alchemor somewhere on the globe.

While Raf understood, Miko seems to squeal with excitement that the fact she also mentioned she gained a title.

Miko said ::It's so cool...Novera Prime!!! That was way better than Novastar.::

Nova sighed, "Please Miko, your embarrassing me."

::Still...I can't believe you got a title of a Prime. I'm speechless:: Jack stated.

"Well, It was unbelievable for me, to think I'm a Prime. Though, some of my teammates except Bee, just treat me like royalty. I rather be myself than a Prime."

::Don't worry, even if your a Prime but you'll always be Nova to us. Besides, we're your friends after all:: Raf said.

"Thanks guys." Nova said. "Anyway, update me if you find anything."

Raf replied::Understood. Take care:: before ending the call.

'I wonder how Piper was doing with Sire.' She was just going back to her cabin car when she heard others, and by others she meant Grimlock telling what happened.

"So Thanks to my lighting fast sidling walk through the woods I made it there just when the van started to go over," Grimlock explained to them. "I reached out. Closer...closer..."

Nova often didn't mind hear how things went in the field, but she couldn't help to notice Strongarm looking...bothered. Then she saw her going to Bumblebee.

"What can I do to you, Strongarm?" Bumblebee asked.

"You can take this, sir," Strongarm said and gave her Decepticon hunter to him. This surprised Nova as Strongarm showed the rule book.

"regulation number 92 section 35 'An officer who fails to put safety of the public first shall be placed on administrative leave'."

"I'm not accepting this." said Bumblebee.

"I made an inexcusable mistake. And I can't make sure that I won't make another..." said Strongarm before by accident blast to Denny's gnomes. "I'm a loose cannon, Sir. You can't let me out there!" she yelled and this time pushed her Decepticon hunter to Bumblebee before left.

Nova let out a sad sighs for what she saw.  It was hard on Strongarm for making a single mistake somehow. 'Perhaps Strongarm needs some time alone. I hope she can resolve this.'

While Strongarm went through what she did wrong, Denny notice that what she was going through.

"She isn't forgiving herself." Nova said who was sitting on shelves above Denny below so he didn't freak much when he heard her.

"You sound like you know that stuff." Denny said.

"When I got part of this 'alien robot' team in first place. I made mistakes too but different from Strongarm."

"Did you caused civil in danger?" asked Denny.

"No, I accidentally drop things on the floor or spill on them, broke the medic's tools....Well.. not usually then Bulkhead did. All were small things," Nova before she started to looks sad. "But one time I almost hurt one of my teammates."

"Was it serious?" Denny asked.

Nova had a solemn look on her face which Denny knew what she meant.

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