Babysitting Little Bee

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(A/N This is my favorite episode where Bumblebee acts like a kid. It's so adorable the way he acts. I decided to remake the title rather than the original. Hehehe ^o^)

Nova was wandering on the road, looking for any signs of the 'con. The team had split up to cover more ground, not able to find him right away. She had seen signs of a strange symbol in the area, following them. They also coincided with some form of destruction usually. It started out as a relaxing morning until Fixit detected his signal in the command center which was located on the edge of Crown City. She was disappointed at first but can't let any Decepticon wandering around where humans might get hurt.

She paused as she approached a large parking lot. She could see a brown 'con lurking around, muttering to himself. He resembled a sort of porcupine with quills on his upper back.

"Bee, I found the 'con." Nova commed from her watch.

::Got it, we're rendezvousing to your location. Be careful.::

Nova transformed into her Titan Mode after making sure there weren't any humans in the immediate vicinity. She crept up behind the 'con, trying to listen in on his conversation.

The 'con turned back to her quickly, crying out. "An oppressor seeks to capture me! Never! Always resist!"

Nova raised an optic before having to dodge as his quills were heading right for her. "Yikes!" She dropped down behind a large truck, using it as cover.

::Whatever you do, avoid his quills! They look dangerous::

'Gee thx for the heads up.' Nova rolled her optics before she quickly shot at his legs, making him fall over. "You can resist but it won't help you, 'con." She got up just in time to see Sideswipe swiping at where the 'con was.

The 'con had rolled out of the way and stood up. He was backing away from them quickly until he felt Grimlock coming. He quickly shot quills at him too, "More oppressors!"

Grimlock grabbed a car and used it as cover for his quills, "Uh oh!"

The 'con began running away from them all, "I will not be crushed under the weight of your oppression!" He jumped over a vehicle that was backing up, not letting it slow him down.

Bumblebee had to jump over the 'con after transforming before transforming back. "Whoa!"

The rest of them drive past Grimlock and Nova to continue their pursuit.

All of the sudden Bee slammed to a stop. Nova winced as Strongarm swung into Bee, Sideswipe swung into Strongarm. Grimlock then accidentally swung into them as well, pushing them all three further down the lot. "My bad."

Nova watched as the 'con transformed, driving away. "He's getting away....

 "Split up!" He then quickly high tailed it after the 'con.

Nova flew through an industrial park, looking around every corner for a sign of the 'con but couldn't find anything.

"Get ready to be oppressed right back into your stasis pod, Decepticon."

Nova halted, soon finding the 'con. She also found Strongarm and Sideswipe. She shummoned her staff, transformed into a bow with an energy arrow, aiming her target right on his helm. "Don't move, 'con."

The 'con went to move back but when he turned, Grimlock was there. Grimlock transformed and smirked down at the 'con. The 'con tried to run again but Bumblebee drove up, transforming.

Bee got in his path, frowning at the 'con. "Just come along quietly."

The 'con glared at Bee, "Heroes of the revolution never come along quietly." He let out a cry as he turned around, letting out an array of quills at Bee.

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