111 - Drew Starkey/Rafe Cameron ( Outer Banks )

Start from the beginning

Ellie was left in Outer Banks, she was going to do more research about the cross. But she didn't realize that she would not see them again. Kiara's parents took her under their wing so that she wouldn't be taken by CPS due to her dad not being around anymore. 

This season. you're going to see a lot more of her mental health problems. She struggles with depression, anxiety, and panic attacks. But now you're actually going to see them. Which I think will be a very interesting thing to be able to portray in a show, especially this show. 

We're doing a table read today, and I think it's going to go well. I think this season will be very cool and filled with mystery and love. I do truly believe it will be a great season, and I think it will be an interesting one as well.

" Why did you end it with Rafe? " Austin asks me. 

" He was not a good situation Topper, come on you know Rafe is not a good guy. So I ended it because it was needed, I don't need to be in a relationship with him, he's not good, " I comment. 

" Yeah, he's not the best guy in the world. Do you still love him? " He asks. 

" I think a part of me will always care about him, but I am not in love with him anymore. He's killed one person, almost killed several other people I love. I don't need to be in a relationship with him, " I tell him. 

" Topper looks over to her and for a spilt second, Ellie could have swore he looked down at her lips. Topper looks back into her eyes and the two continue on talking, and Topper moves closer to her when he realizes she is cold, " Jonas begins. 

After the table read we all begin to talk with everybody. " I definitely didn't expect them to kiss that early, " I comment, which causes Austin to chuckle. 

" Yeah I know me too, but I mean they were somewhat friends with her dating Rafe, " he comments, I nod towards him. 

" Y/n, can I talk to you? " Drew asks, I give him a nod. The two of us walked away from the group. I wonder what this is about, hopefully it's nothing crazy or anything like that. 

" So what did you want to talk about? " I ask him, he looks at me and I can't really understand what's going on in his head. " Drew are you okay? " I ask him, I move forward and grab a hold of his bicep. 

" Yeah I'm alright, I just you'll be here for several months and we're going to be doing other things. I just wanted to um, just I guess say goodbye, " he comments, I tilt my head. 

" Hey, you'll still be seeing me. You don't have to say goodbye, I'm glad you are. But truly you don't hav too, " I comment towards him. He nods towards me, and I pull him towards me and hug him tightly. 

We moved away from each other and stayed there for a second. What caught me off by surprise was when he started to lean in. He pulled me closer and kissed me. Which caught me off guard. I started to kiss him back, and he pulled me closer to him. 

I hear someone coming and I slowly push him away. " There you guys are! We are needed so they can talk about the schedule, " Rudy comments, we both nod towards him. He begins to walk away, and I turn to look at Drew in shock. 

" Why did you do that? " I ask him he stands there in silent. " Okay... we should probably go, " I add towards him, beginning to walk away from him. I am in complete shock. Why, why did he do that? Was that apart of his goodbye, does he actually feel the same? Or does he know, and he was feeling pity on me? 

Why, why did he do that? Why... why did he do that? Now those feelings are never going to go away. That will hold me over for months now. I'm, God... what did we just do? We all listen to Jonas as he tells us the schedule for everybody. I can feel Drew staring at me, and I'm just trying to just pay attention. Why, why did he do that?

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