"Have a rest miss. Please don't overwork yourself." Was all the maid said before closing the door and walking away from the room.


Royse groaned as he woke up.

Events from the incident and their meeting were the first thing that came to his mind.

He sighed. "Guess I'll be spending my mornings like this..." He murmurs. Not really the best thing to start off the day.

Royse sat from his bed and stretched his arms before standing up. Just as scheduled, maids and butlers start entering his room to assist him with his routine.

It didn't take long for him to finish his preparation and head towards the dining area to take his breakfast.

A nervous feeling rose from his chest as he saw his sister walk into the hallway.

When Rohesia turns, she happily greets her brother and jogged towards him.

"Morning Rosey~"

"Morning sis. I see you're beaming with energy."

Rohesia proudly puffed her chest. "Of course! I need to prepare myself for the duel later in school. The knight program is truly tiring..." She comments with her brows knitted together.

The younger redhead chuckled. He silently walked beside his sister while his mind soon became preoccupied with how he was going to tell her the news.

He knows Rohesia would react harshly and it made him worried that his sister won't be able to act like herself. He doesn't want her to become distracted with her studies but he also knew how important it was for him to tell her the news.

It was better to tell her as soon as possible.

He was distracted for the whole duration and only spoke a few times at breakfast.

He continued to stare at his meal and didn't rose his head when his family shared their stories.

Everyone noticed his distracted gaze and glanced at one another.

It wasn't as if this was a rare sight. His family had seen Royse in this state with his business and whenever someone troublesome had appeared, a.k.a some business partners.

Vanessa looks at her husband and coughed. Albert turns his head towards his wife and blinked in surprise.

Vanessa points her head towards the youngest.

Getting her message Albert turns towards their youngest. "Oh, indeed. Royse, what do you think about Rohesia's graduation?" Albert spoke.

Vanessa continued her meal as she watches their interaction.

That seemed to have fully taken Royse' attention. He rose his head and blinked when he hears the sudden topic.

"Aneki's graduation? I believe it's quite nice."

Rohesia beamed. "What do you think about the after-party? Catherine-sama said she'd love for us to celebrate it inside the onsen. What do you think Rosey? Is it alright for us to use it?"

Royse sadly smiled.

He nods his head. "Of course. Aneki's free to use it..."

Rohesia smiled. "Compared to other establishments, Rosey still remains at the top of the list." She praised.

Transmigration as an Unknown Character! | 僕の妹の大好きな乙女ゲームで, 未知のキャラクターとして移住しました!Where stories live. Discover now