Extra 7

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Im starting another fanfic, what character should I do?

Srsly need input.😭

A few days have passed since the...normal, yet odd encounter with the neighboring family. I must say it was kind of weird, even if considered normal. They were an odd pairing for sure; and what was even stranger, was neither of us got each other's names. It wouldn't surprise me if they already knew ours, we were one of the most talked about couples in this neighborhood; but to be fair, they were too, and they seemed clueless about it... Maybe they weren't very atuned to gossip.

"Your still thinking about those odd ones aren't you?" William asked me as he flicked through tv channels idly, getting a little excited when he crossed some 80s channel that had a show he recognized. If I'm going to be honest, I'm so sick of those dumb tv shows he puts on, but it makes him feel secure and more at home so I let it pass. Being in a relationship is hard and you have to sacrifice a lot, even if it's little things like this, it can be troublesome when the things you sacrifice you really care about, or the things you have to deal with really bother you. But despite it, you have to sometimes because it's part of who your partner is, or because they will feel unsafe or uncomfortable without it. I think that's why so many relationships fail, no one thinks of their partner, and those that do think about them too much.

"Yeah... They seemed odd, and familiar somehow..."

William looked at me with a blank look; almost as if judging me and hinting I was crazy, which, perhaps I am, I've had to put up with him.

"Maybe it's because the man looked like me." He stated, his tone heavy.

Now that I think about it, he did. He resembled William a lot, from the way he looked, to the way he acted. However, two things mad him seem completely different if not for that small familiarity spark. Like a whole different genre of person.

1) that ridiculous mullet. It was absolutely hideous on him and it looked so funny I wanted to burst out laughing, but im polite and have manners, so I didn't. And 2) his voice. While Williams was deep, smooth, and enticing with a British accent, this man's was deep, raspy, almost airy in a way, and he had an American accent. It was kind of odd, though they sort of sounded similar, this man's voice still sounded completely different. Maybe it was the tone the man used; he was ticked off at the time.

"You are thinking quite hard." William stated, causing me to sigh. Yeah, yeah I was.

"Whatever... It doesn't matter."

He smiles at me, putting the remote down.

"You know we have that date tonight, right?" He stated calmly, a goofy grin on his face.

A date?

Oh right! William told me a week or so ago he planned a fancy date or something... I don't know. He may be British but he doesn't give me fancy-teaspoon-sized-meal vibes. He gives me takeout vibes. So maybe something a little bit...smaller scale fancy. Yeah.

"What level of fancy did you mean."

Wills face looked sort of confused for a.mometb as he ruffled his eyebrows, but soon he came to a conclusion and his face softened.

"Not extreme. Just wear a dress and some nice makeup and you will be just fine, love."

I smile at him, and then to the clock. We have a few hours, we can waste away on this couch a bit before we get ready.


I stand in the bathroom, an eyeshadow pallet open on the white countertop. I had the choice between wearing a purple dress I found at the store; it was beautiful, elegant, hugged my curved and sparkled in the sun. OR, a black pantsuit with a white blouse and a black tie. Of course, I chose the pantsuit.

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