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On a side note, Am I the only person that dreads going to highschool but is really excited for college?

I mean highschool hasn't been bad so far but like, ew.

A Fazbears Frights poster...

I could practically feel the clogs turning in my head as they tried to process this information. It was a bit too much for me, considering in THIS REALITY, that reality was a video game. But now, it's real... and I am so confused.

Why would that pop up here? It's a video game for heavens sakes! Why in the world does it exist...?

"Hey! Y/N, did you hear they made a recreation of Fazbears Frights? From the third game!" Nathaniel exclaims, trying to catch my attention. I see him twirl around the spoon he was using to eat, the shiny material glinting from the beams of sun leaking through our kitchen window.

I look up from the table we sat at, my cold bacon and eggs staring up tauntingly at me. I could feel Nathaniel rubbing circles into my back, and I try to relax into his touch. But I find it hard, too hard.


I see his sparkly blue eyes soften, his hands falling slack to his sides.

"Y/N, you've been off lately. Are you ok? You don't need to talk to me if you don't want t-"

"I'm ok." I reply briskly, cutting him off. I see him frown, but he doesn't push it.

"I-I'm going to go to bed..."

I can tell Nathaniel is worried about me as I leave the room, but he doesn't push me. That's always been something he's been good at. He is carrying and loving, but doesn't push boundaries. He knows I need my space sometimes, and others he knows I need comfort. He's an amazing partner, and an amazing man, but I just can't get over William.

Plopping myself down on our bed, I run my hands through my hair.

I can't get over William.

I chuckle darkly, the realization finally setting in. I've been trying for ages to forget William, but he always seems to come back. There's always something about him that lingers, rather that me in my heart, or physically.

And this restaurant popping back up is not helping.

What if...


Surely not, right?


Grabbing my phone, I quickly plop back down on my bed, eagerly opening Safari. Searching up Fazbears frights, a website pops up. Clicking on it, I scroll through the white background and merch page, until I see a contact number...

"I can't believe I'm doing this..." I chuckle darkly, before I dial the number.

After a brief silence, and a few seconds of the ringer, a cheery voice responds from the other end.

"Hello! welcome to Fazbears Frights! Where we recreate the famous Freddie's Fazbear's Pizza as a horror attraction! How may I help you?"

"Oh... uhm, are you excepting jobs?" I ask the lady, causing her to gasp

"Finally! I thought nobody would come! Yes! Night guard!"

I wonder why.

And of course. It's alwaaaaays night guard.

I roll my eyes, knowing that I promised myself if for some reason fnaf ever existed, I would never. And I mean EVER be night guard. Butttttttttttt, I am definitely going to apply as night guard.

Broken(William Afton x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя