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Sorry I haven't updated in a while! I was finishing up all my end of the year projects and papers!

You are not going to work today." William stated firmly, giving me the signature "firm finger."

I scoff

"No shit, i cant walk." I grumble, crossing my arms over my chest. I hear a chuckle rumble in his chest, but choose to simply ignore it.

"So, what am i doing today?" I ask, raising a brow.

" i dont know, practice guitar or something." He shrugged, moving towards the kitchen


"Oh yeah..." He muttered, pulling the ripe, red apple he had just bit into out of his mouth, a satisfying snap echoing through the kitchen for a short few moments.

"Do you have any... Other hobbies?" He asked, leaning further into the counter


"Any other hobbies, besides...ya know...singing?"

"Oh." I respond vaguely, taken aback. What did he want to know that for?

"I suppose i like skating. I always did it with my friends. Actually, that's what ended up pulling me here."

"Like...roller skating?" He asked back, giving me his full attention

"I know how to roller skate, yes, but no. I was referring to skateboarding."

"Ah." He hummed.

Judging by his expression, skateboarding wasn't a very popular thing in the 80s.

"I also like painting.. artsy stuff..." I sighed, gaining Afton attention

"Artsy stuff hm?"

"That's what I said dimwit."

"Hey, listen here, darling..." he snarled, placing his finger under my chin and pushing it up. I snarl and bat my teeth at him like an animal, but it only makes him chuckle.

"I'm the one that's in control here."

"I don't think so. You don't scare me." I snap, earning a smirk from him

"Oh really?"


"Let's test that theory."

I roll my eyes; he said that before and only proved me right. I'm not scared of him, I know he won't hurt me. And if he does, oh well! Wanted to get off this hell hole of a planet for a while anyways.

Pushing me into the couch we sat on, he pushed himself on top of me, straddling my hips. I only roll my eyes; I knew where this was going. Like every William Afton fic ever, he would do one of two things. 1) bring a knife from his pocket and try to intimidate me or 2) make a sexual comment, joke, or gesture and then not follow through with it, unfortunately. However, he did neither...

Gripping my wrists tightly, he gives me a death glare that sends shivers down my spine. I couldn't help but grumble a bit, averting eye contact as I put an angered expression on my face. His firm grip on my wrists was starting to sting; but the angered, monotone expression on my face was proving great in provoking him.

Broken(William Afton x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin