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Chapter Eight
You will end up like me...

I turn around, crossing my arms and leaving him leaning into the back of my head. I could feel his surprisingly cold breath on my neck, making me shiver. I was taking his crap today, i was tired, emotionally, physically... And i was just overall done.

"Oh cmon darling, dont be like that." William snickered

"Be like what? Smart, wise, not taking any of your lies?" I sneer back

"Tell me, Afton." I said turning back around, this time i got in his face, an extreme malice to my aura and tone.

"Why should i believe you?"


A long pause.

You saw his face contort into one of concentration, he looked deep in thought with his knitted eyebrows and unfocused gaze.

"Because" he began, his tone matching mine

"I may be a psychopath, but im a man of my word." He smirked, awaiting my snippy reply. But much to his dismay, it never came. I only stared at him with a blank expression, giggling mentally when i saw his pissed off expression.

"I see..." I mumbled, a condescending tone to my voice

I saw him perk an eyebrow, his facial expressing changing into a confused expression, maybe even a little taken aback.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked, ticked off.

"Oh nothing~" i smirked, walking away from him

"Hey! Get back here!" He yelled angrily at me, but i was already up the stairs, giggling as i burst into Lizzy's room.

"Hey lizzy! Hide me from Daddy!" I exclaimed, hoping and praying she would cooperate

She giggled, ushering me over to the other side of her bed, where we slipped under and hid underneath. It was like we where playing hide and seek in a horror game, as we heard the creaky stairs dwindle under Aftons footsteps, the taps of his dress shoes getting closer and closer.

"Shhhh" i hushed Lizzy, trying to keep her giggling at bay, though it was mostly unsuccessful

We heard the door to her room creek open, the light from the hallway beaming into the dark room. Lizzy started giggling again, and i sigh. There's no use in hiding...

Standing up, i walk over to him with my hands up, grumbling as i see him smirk

"Found you~"

"Actually, afton, i gave this win to you."

"Oh so this was a game?" He asked, raising a brow questioningly.

I scoff, rolling my eyes.


" you just sa-"

"Shutup Afton!" I shouted, done with his crap. I was sick of it, i was done.

I saw Elizabeth shrink back underneath the bed in fear, her fingers gripping tightly into the doll she held. She seemed to hunch over, her eyes getting glossy as Williams eyes widen.

Broken(William Afton x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt