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Its been two weeks now since me and Aftons... Incident. I have to admit, its starting to take its toll on me. I was feeling both emotionally and physically drained. It was harder and harder to get out of bed in the morning, nevertheless come to work.

I also was having issues...

When I was away from my body in my spiritual form, I became more spiritually adapt. More in tune.

That mean the voices where louder.

I'm assuming since they are a spiritual part of me, aspects of me I push away.

But they have become louder, more urgent.

They beg and scream at me to kill, to do something violent. To plunge the knife into something and watch the life drain from its eyes. But I couldn't give into it; I wasn't like William. I didn't want to ruin other people's lives like he had, tear down peoples whole entire being just by one single action. I didn't want to live a life of fear and anxiety, being found out for what I had done. In summary; I didn't want to.

But I feared I would.

Just like Afton said, the urges have been getting worse and worse, the voices ever louder. Instead of just voices, I now feel a pull towards knives and other sharp objects, I envision ripping through peoples flesh... in particular, Williams flesh. Oh what I would give to kill him, to feel his salty blood on my hands as o rip and tear apart his flesh, bashing his insides with the curved edge of the knife.

But I wouldn't. I couldn't

But I new that I would.

At some point and time, I was going to kill. I could tell that I wasn't strong enough, and what Afton said was right.

I am a monster, it's only waiting to happen.

Shaking my thoughts off, I distract myself with other idle things. Cleaning counters, clearing tables, fixing light bulbs, all I could do.

Eventually though, I was faced with an issue.

I needed to get something from the back closet, but a jerks and named Jared wouldn't let me through. It made my blood boil, he was a fucking idiot and I wanted to pummel him so bad.

"Move." I insist, trying to push past him, only for him to push me to the floor. I spring back up, but the devil himself pushed me against the wall. He had a devilish smirk on his face, one that Afton always had; but it wasn't welcoming like his. It wasn't good like his. It wasn't...

It made my skin crawl.

And suddenly, I felt anger boil up in my insides.

How dare he touch me.

Suddenly, I pulled my pocket knife out, and I plunge it into his abdomen. I feel the knife push elegantly through his organs, blood squirting out up onto my had a and face. I feel my hands slip down the knife handle and onto the knifes blade, cutting my palm open and mixing my blood with his.

I get on my knees straddling his form, and plunge the knife in again. And again, and again. I rip and tear open his skin and bones, feeling the satisfying feeling of his blood pooling underneath mine. I feel my hands tremble a bit, but I continue. Venting all my anger and pooling all my frustration into the blade, I plunge it down again and again. The poor man didn't even look like a corpse anymore; he looked like mangled pieces of flesh and organs covered in ransacked blood.

Eventually, a creepy smile formed on my face as my anger and frustrated flooded away from me. Now I wasn't doing it out of anger, I was doing it for my own pleasure. The voices screamed and chanted at me to continue, and I did. It was so satisfying; feeling his flesh degrade underneath me. Eventually though, I snapped out of my trance and realized what I had done... the damage I had caused.

I get off his form and tremble, my eyes watery.

How could I...?

How could-

I start balling my eyes out, everything around me fading away as I pull my knees to my chest, burring my face into my knees. I feel my tears eyes soak my pants through, but I didn't care. I feel my bloody hands wrap around me, and suddenly I hear the door open.

I don't even care anymore.

I'm a horrible person and I deserve jail.

I hear a deep chuckle come from the person who opened the door.


"So...you finally snapped huh?"

He crouched down, inspecting the body.

"You did a number on him..."

He stood back up

"You know I didn't expect you to actually do it... you seemed too nice, too soft."

He grinned

"But you did. Just like I said, the voices became too much huh?"

He bends down in front of me, gripping my chin in his fingers and pushing my face up to meet his

"Your like me now." He grins evilly, causing me to break down even more.

"N-no!" I shout, making him chuckle darkly


Williams POV

(Wow 😳)

I heard crying from one of the back rooms, so I rushed in to see what it was about.

But I see Y/N laying next to a corpse... if you could even call it that. It was a mangled mess; flesh, organs, blood, and whatever else mixed together to form a blob on the floor. A bloodied knife sat next to it, along with Y/N who had blood all over her.

Oh my god.

She finally snapped.

No! She wasn't supposed too, I didn't want her to snap. Now she isn't going to be able to help herself, irs always easier after the first.

I felt my eyes get a little glossy, but I had to conceal it.

I had one job.

And that was to finish the remnant and recreate my family, maybe Y/N can even be in it as the wife.

And when I'm done with that, I am going to live happily. Like I never did.

Not even Y/N will get in the way, despite how much she had this far.

I feel my eyes start to burn which makes me realize I've shifted into remnant mode.

She won't get in the way, Will.

I grin

I begin laughing like a maniac, staring down at the corpse. I crouch down in one knee and inspect it; she did a number on the dude.

It would be difficult to hide the body, but nothing I didn't know how to do.

I mocked her a little for the voices pleasure, before I despised of the body, quickly mopping the blood up and despising the mop. I then picked a passed out Y/N up and took her to my car. All that drenaline in your system is never healthy.

I drive her home

On the way I couldn't help but look over at her, her beautiful form sleeping peacefully.

God, why did she have to come here? She is messing everything up. I had one goal and I was determined to complete it start from finish, it it all doesn't seem so important now. All I want to do is live a life with her. To embrace her when we wake up in the morning, and feel her before we go to bed. To make breakfast for her and have long lasting conversations. Maybe have a few kids to replace the ones I lost...

But I knew it wouldn't work out.

I grip the steering wheel right.

She would leave or cheat like Clara did.

After all, who would want to be tied up and stuck in a relationship with a psychopath?

I chuckle dryly, grinning sadly as I look out upon the pitch black pavement.

It's a shame we didn't live in a different timeline...

We would all be so much happier.

Broken(William Afton x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum