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"What's your plan...? William asks hesitantly, curiosity lacing his glitchy voice. I feel myself roll my eyes, slightly irked at the question.

"I just need you to trust me, it'll take far too long to explain."

I can tell he hates the idea of trusting me blindly, especially with a topic so risky for him; hell, he could end up dying. But I could also tell he trusts me, enough to allow me to act out my plan. I mean, he has trusted me with so many things. To keep his secret, his past, to not betray his trust like so many others...

Actually that last one just shows how alike the two of us are; something I've been fearful to admit for ages. I mean, after all, who would want to relate to him? But... he really wasn't that bad of a guy. He was just... broken, misled...


William let's his decaying eyeballs wonder around the room, an awkward silence filling us. It felt heavy and thick in the air, and if the feeling could be turned into a situation, it would be like backing into a corner. Don't ask me why, it just... radiated that energy.

"I have to do this quick, I don't have long before the timeline crumbles."

I see him groan at that, resting his face in his hands.

"Even for me, a genius, I cannot comprehend this situation." He groans again, causing me to chuckle slightly at his irritated antics. I missed that.

I missed all the times he would so easily get frustrated, I missed all the times were I would see him groan in irritation. The times were i'd watch his slender fingers tinker, the times were I would see his little coy smirk...

I missed him

"I know the feeling... Just a few years ago I was simply skating with my friends and then boom, I'm doing 40 something years into the past, coming face to face with a child murdering psychopath that should belong in a video game."

I can feel a chuckle bubble it's way up my chest and throat, spilling from my slightly parted lips.

"I never would have expected..." I look at him with a soft smile, heat rising to my cheeks

"That I'd be in love with a decaying corpse." I finish teasingly, kissing his nose. I can see the playfulness spark in his eyes, but i am quick to shoot it down.

"I need to get this done as soon as possible, how am I supposed to get you out of here?"

I see him grin mischievously, his decaying eyes relaxing in a creepily-relaxed motion.

"At night, when I wasn't terrifying the night-guards and having a good laugh, I tinkered in the back room. I ended up creating these." He pulled two small, palm sized, circular objects. They sorta reminded me of a coin; a metallic look with some weird techy stuff on the front.

"These are...?"

"Illusion discs. Through specific programming, it let's of signals that alter the signals the brain and eyes receive, this changing what we see."

I grin slightly

"So you'll program those to make you look like your...self." I examined, trailing off with sarcasm lacing my voice. I see him roll his eyes in response, catching on to my little actions.

"Of course." He replied

Any listing the discs intently, I roll my thumb over the smooth surface. Somehow, these discs are going to get us out of this situation, and somehow, it will provide us happiness...

No, happiness is never guaranteed, I made that mistake three times already, not again.

Instead, I'm going to live in the moment, be proud of what I have now and pray it lasts. I cant expect it to last forever, but pessimistic thinking doesn't get me anywhere either.

Lord I wish I could just smash something

"How's it work?"

I see him grin mischievously, the rusty metal of the suit creaking as he shifts his weight.

"I programmed it already, just press that." He said, his voice deep and gravely as his large finger pointed to a small, blue button. Beaming up at him, I quickly let my finger slip onto the button and pressing it, holding my breath for no reason.

When the disc lights up with a blue eery glow, I am suddenly presented with a huge smile when Williams normal form shows. Created from a hologram looking beam, projected from the disc, and presented from my brain.

There he was.

The man I had fallen for numerous times. The man I loved and missed these past long years.

The handsome Brit himself.

My god, he never changed. Still as undeniable handsome as before.

He had the same fluffy brown hair that was delicately combed back, the same mischievous, sadistic, coy smirk, the same pristine-white suit and purple tie, the same rosy cheeks With slight freckles on the bridge of his nose, the same black dress shoes that aggressively tapped off the floor, the same slightly crooked, slightly yellow teeth, the same long, slender fingers...

And most of all, the same look of love for me in his eyes as the day we first kissed, as the day we first danced.

Smiling, I leap into his arms with an overwhelming joy. Collapsing into his arms I hold onto him with a death grasp, clinging to him like a baby would cling to its mother. I dug my nails desperately into his back as tears formed in my eyes.

"I missed you... all of you."

I feel soft, paced fingertips run through my hair soothingly, a chin placed upon my head.

"I missed you too, but we have to hurry. We do not have much time, at least that's what you proposed."

Slightly irked at having to let go, I nod grimly, but quickly wipe away my tears and let a determined expression fill its place.

"What do we need to do?"

Broken(William Afton x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now