Extra 6

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"STOP!" I scream, my legs giving out underneath me from exhaustion as I huff; my chest rapidly flying up and down as I sharply take intakes of breath. I collapse on the ground and am met with the harsh wooden floor panels, my heart thumping in my chest.

William looks down at me menacingly, giving me an evil smirk. I feel a bit of panic hit me like a wave as I scramble to my feet, but he knocks me back down.

"Oh no you don't!"

I let out a screech as he whips me with the kitchen towel, retrieving the kitchen utensil I stole from him when he refused me a kiss. William gives me a smirk as he twirls it around in his hands, and suddenly I collapse into a fit of laughter.

"Stoppppp why can't I have a kiss?!" I exclaim playfully, but he bends down and silences me with his soft lips on mine, before he parts and flicks me with the towel one last time, the fabric snapping through the air

"Hey!" I screech, but he only smirks as he walks away.

"You got your kiss, deary, don't know why your complaining."

"Ok hot stuff." I muttered bitterly, crossing my arms over my chest. As much as I didn't want to follow him back to the kitchen and instead give him the silence treatment for walking me with a towel repeatedly, I lazily and reluctantly followed him back to the kitchen like a lost puppy, watching him chop up a pepper.

"You know when we first met you would have threatened me with that."

William turns to me and gives me a blank look, going back to cutting the pepper up. As he slides the knife through the red vegetable and slides the slice off to the side of the cutting board, I let my thoughts wander.

It's been what felt like forever since we arrived here, and over 3 years since we originally met, though my perception of time is a little warped from all the time travel...

Our lives have been quite the rollercoaster ever since I tumbled through that ball pit, though Williams was never not a rollercoaster...

I look at William and feel my chest get a little warm, a smile creeping into my face as I watch him delicately, yet skillfully chop a few more veggies.

He was so pretty...

I watched as he grabbed an onion from the countertop and cut it, his eyes watering. He was really sensitive to onions for some reason, so I watched as a tear flowed down his face.

I place my hand on his cheek and wipe it away, William quickly turning to me. I examine his eyes; or rather gaze into them. His face softens as he gazes back, and for a moment I feel lost in those beautiful, icy orbs. It's almost as if I was completely in a different reality; a void with nothing but William in front of me.

Suddenly I feel myself being lifted up, before I hit the counter softly. William inserts himself between my legs, locking our lips passionately. I try hard not to melt and loose myself in his perfect motions and soft lips, but it proves to be too hard of a challenge.

I begin to push further as we lock our lips together, hungry and thirsty for more, but he only parts from me, much to my resistance, locking our foreheads together.

"Not today, love."

I sigh, but I caress the little hairs that grew on the back of his neck, causing him to gaze at me with a soft smile. A genuine smile not full of lust or anything but pure adoration and love. I smile back, the same intent behind my own, and we embrace each other softly.

"I love you Will."

"I know, you've told me plenty of times, dear."

"Well, I'm telling you again." I sass back, but I can't tell what his reaction is, as he places his chin in my shoulder. Our breathing molding together as we embrace, and I feel my heart melt, fireworks erupting everywhere he touched. I loved the feeling of him touching me, I loved the feeling of being with him, and I loved him. Everything about him.

I really couldn't deny that fact that I was absolutely head over heels for an Ex child murderer that I simped for in my teenage years.

And in that moment, same as many others, the only thing I wished for was that he would never leave.

Ding dong

The two of us part as we look at the door, the window of the kitchen overviewing the front porch. We stare out the pristinely clear glass to see a couple; male and female. One had extremely dark brown hair styled into a mullet, a pair of bright blue eyes, pale skin, freckles etched over the bridge of his nose, and a baseball cap on his head; backwards of course. The other, a young female with lavender dyed hair styled into a bob had a cheery smile on her face, her pale skin nearly lighter than her already pale husband, or boyfriend, and her eyes were a honey color. Almost an Amber.

"You going to get that?" I asked, but William only rolled his eyes, nudging his head to the now abandoned cutting board. I roll my eyes, knowing he had no problem abandoning it a moment ago when our lips were interlocked, but I quickly walk to the door and pull it open, greeting the couple with a smile.

"Hello!" I exclaim, watching as the man scowled and the woman smiled even brighter.

"Hello! We heard you just moved in and we wanted to greet you!"

"Oh how kind of you." I smile, watching as the woman hands me a tray of cookies.

"Oh... you didn't have to." I state bashfully, but she only smiled, insisting me to take it.

I take a moment to examine the pair; one of them a ball of sunshine and the other exceedingly grumpy. The woman beamed with an ethereal light and happiness I could only explain as super bubbly... And the male. Well, he had scowl imprinted on his face and by the wrinkles I would think it would be safe to assume it's permanent. His lips were pressed firmly in a deep set frown and his eyebrows furrowed in a negative,.almost venomous manner. I could tell he had no I'll intent behind it though... I don't know why, I could just...tell.

Maybe it was all those years I've spent with William; his looks were always puzzling and hard to pinpoint, almost as if they hadn't matched his emotions at all. I eventually figured him out, piecing the pieces together, but it took a while.

"So... where do you two live?" I inquire, seeing the husbands face shift a bit. The woman only continued to smile, her beautiful, pristinely white teeth nearly shining in the sun.

"We live on the corner!"

The corner.

The house with the strange daughter that the neighbors were talking about so long ago. At that dinner party.

To be honest, I'm not surprised the pairing of this couples a bit...odd, judging by the information they shared. But I wouldn't have expected them to be normal people, as crazy as their daughter can be sometimes.

"Oh! I know where you're talking about. Your house is beautiful." I respond, not really knowing what else to say. The woman's face softens, her smile turning more relaxed as she utters a thanks, but the husbands hoarse voice soon rings out.

"We have to go, Darcy is at home alone."

The woman nodded, quickly saying her goodbye to me as her and her husband begin the decent to their house; for what I presumed to be their daughter.


Strange, I swear I've heard that voice before.

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