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Hahahaha I left y'all on a cliffhanger 😸

Have no fear though, I'm not evil enough to make the wait longer than a day.



It was a long period of struggling, but eventually, I got Afton into his car and drove him home. It was a long ride, one of the longest car rides I have ever ridden or drove... Whipping my head in the murderers direction, checking if he was alive every five seconds. I couldn't help but have a hard time seeing through my glossy eyes; the tears endlessly brimming and then falling.

I couldn't help it.

As much as I hated to admit it, Afton has grown on me.

William has grown on me.

I might hate his guts, think he's a horrible person... And I may have only known him for a few short days but, man... he's grown on me.

He has fucking grown on me.

I chuckle at that, gripping the steering wheel with a death grip.

It's funny, really. How someone so horrible could have possibly grown on me. How someone who has done so much on so many people, myself included, both mentally and physically, could put a smile on my face. To think he could make me break down, nearly shut down, at the sight of seeing his body...

God, he's got me wrapped around his finger.

"How ironic, a murderer has grown on me."

When I finally arrived back at the house, I rushed in, with no hesitation as I practically flung the mans much broader form onto the couch. Michael and Lizzy came down, and when Michael found out what happened he ushered Lizzy back upstairs, not wanting her to see the troubling chaos that was Aftons bleeding form on the couch.

"Y/N what the fuck happened!" He shouted, springing to his father, a troubled look on his face. He gripped the mans hand with a death grip, glaring at the man with tears streaming down his cheeks. I knew he loved his father, despite him yelling and even verbally abusing him sometimes... I knew he cared deeply for his father. I knew, I knew that this must be troubling despite all the things Afton has done.

"Language!" I shouted back, Michael giving me a very annoyed look, before he looked back down at his fathers nearly dead body.

"My dad looks like he's fucking dying and you say language!?" He shouts at me, a bit of an angered, surprised, and even proud facial expression on his face, though frustration outweighed them all. I only smirk back, before I formulate my response.

"Fine! That's fair! But Your father here decided to commit fucking suicide! Now get me a fucking Med kit- oh lord..."

He seemed to be breathing steadily, which was good, but my panicked wheezes and cries where not helping me or Michael as we struggled to keep the poor man alive. I knew there was practically no way Afton was staying alive this long unless he already put the remnant inside his bloodstream...

Really? Damned idiot could have used that after he wanted to commit suicide. I mean, I'm not complaining but really? He's really dumb.

Looking down at the man, I see him stir; his eyes fluttering and his body shaking. I knew he would wake up soon at this point, but I didn't want him to.

"Afton don't you fucking dare, go back to sleep." I growled as I see him start to move, I see him smirk, before he seemed to be dazed again, falling back into a half conscious state like he was back at Freddie's.

"Good lord... I'm going to have a heart attack." I muttered, grabbing the Med kit Michael passed me and ripping his shirt from his sweaty, bloody skin. I stare down at his slightly toned chest for a moment, before I feel myself snap out of my trance.

"Admire later Y/N!" Michael shouted, making my face feel warm. I knew I was blushing, I got caught in the act. I mean, it's not like I liked him or anything, he just had a nice body. I mean, it was broad, but not bulky. Slightly toned, but not too much. His skin was clear, pale and bumpy, but had no sun spots or anything.... And the number weren't very plentiful, they where just enough to give his skin texture....


"Right, right..." I stutter fumbling with the Med kit.

Checking his wound for any fabric or dirt, I remove any thing that shouldn't be in the wound, before I pour alcohol in it. I hear him hiss underneath me, causing me to smirk.

As you should bitch, you did that with my leg.

After I finish thoroughly cleaning the wound, and somewhat stopped the bleeding, I wrapped the wound up in the gauze the Med kit provided, thing it tightly so that it would apply pressure and not come loose.

"Did you drive here topless?" Michael asked out of nowhere, making me look down at myself.

Oh shit, I forgot I took my top off...



He shook his head in disappointment.

"Your impossible"

I feel myself get shaken awake by firm, strong hands. I didn't want to wake up though, I was having a pleasant dream.


Fluttering my eyes open, I feel my eyesight get harassed by light, before my blurry vision settles. Above me I see the form of none other than William Afton, the murderer himself. His hair was disheveled, and his skin was even paler than usual if possible. But what I noticed the most, was the fact that his eyes had a slight purple tint to their usual icy blue.



"Oh god!" I leaped into his arms, toppling him down into the fabric of the couch. I feel him tense underneath me, before wincing, and I quickly loosen my grip, realizing he still had an injury.

Good going Y/N, injure him a second time why don't you...

"Oh god, I'm sorry!" I gasp, but William only chuckles in return, brushing me off with the wave of his hand.

"It's ok, love." He smiles warmly

Rolling my eyes, I pull him into another hug.

I cherish the feeling of him in my arms, the feeling of his brown form pushed against mine. The warmth he provides to my own body, and the scent of Lavender, Vanilla, Spice, and strangely, campfire, that emits from him. I feel salty tears brim in my eyes again, threatening to fall, as I sniffle.

God I'm so emotional.

"H-hey, what's wrong love?" William asked, pulling away. Brushing a bit of hair away from my face, and tucking it behind my ear, I feel myself melt.

He's being tender, somethings wrong.

"You know how you said I scared you shitless?" I ask raising a brow even though he can't see it.

"Yeah?" He chuckles, recalling the memory.

"Well I could say the same to you!" I cried, slapping him lightly across the face. He only chuckled, bringing a hand to the red mark that was forming.

"Trying to injure me again, dear?" He asked, raising a brow, to which I only scoffed.

"You sure as hell deserve it, dimwit."

He only grins.

Broken(William Afton x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt