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This chapter will be a little messy.

Sorry lol

Also your going to love it, lots of...😏 you'll see

Aaaand also I'm writing this during a tornado warning to try and calm myself down.

i love thunderstorms but I'm terrified of tornados.


It's been a month or so since Aftons major injury...

He's been recovering alright, and so have I. My leg is significantly better now, I can almost walk normally. And Afton, well, he's back to work as usual... I don't think he's killed anyone else yet, but he sure as hell has tried.

I've caught him in the act numerous times. Prepping the weapons, building an animatronic that could kill them... and honestly, I've been noticing something... off....

I've been trying my hardest to piece the poor man back together, after all, he's broken. But I haven't been very successful, I'll be honest.

I've been noticing William growing more....


It's weird, he's being nice, and touchy.

It creeps me out, makes me think he's planning something...

But at the same time, it makes me feel... good.

I don't know, he's just been a lot nicer to me. He hasn't threatened me, or made any murder remarks or threats... he gives me compliments an unusual amount, and when I dress in something nice or short he seems... bubbly?

It's odd, I don't know. He's a weird one to figure out.


Looking up, I see the face of Michael Afton, clapping his hands in front of my face in what appears to be an attempt to wake me the fuck up. Unfortunately for him, I'm not done thinking yet.

"OI, fuck off, I'm thinking." I shoo him away, only for him to slouch down in the chair, crossing his arms as he grumbles. I find myself chuckling a slight bit at his actions; he can be very childish sometimes despite being a teenager.

"Father is... he's doing bad things in the garage." Michael stated, riding to convince me. He did pique my interest however.


"He's doing his weird experiment things with the souls.... Please Y/N, figure it out for me."

I nod my head, standing from the couch.

If I wanted to convince William to stop the remnant, I'd have to have a card fo play. A secret chess move, a way to rip the rug out from underneath his feet.

I could tell him what happens.

If I do that though it could end badly...

Y/N, tell him...

Suddenly I see the spirit of Susie show up. Honestly, Susie is one of my favorites of the bunch. She's one of the sadder ones, since she was lured in by her dog... but I really love her. She's always kind to me, and she is just as set in stone about helping Afton as I am. She's very polite, kind, and despite always having tears and a sad look in her eyes, is always happy and bubbly.

"I'm sorry?" I ask, crouching down so I'm eye level with the blonde haired girl.

Tell him what happens, but do it wisely.

We all thought about it, we agreed. Even Cassidy.

"Cassidy... she agreed?"

The small girl gave me a nod.

Broken(William Afton x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now