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First and foremost I completely apologize for my HUGE lack of chapters. To be honest, my life has been crazy in both amazing, and horrendous ways, so... yeah.

I deeply apologize, but, I finally have a chapter! And hey, I think I know how I wanna end this fic; I have the whole thing planned.

Also, it got a new cover! I'm shifting the theme of my page over rn, so ;)

Withiut delaying it further, please enjoy part one of the finale of this fic :D

Nathaniel conveniently went away to a friends to watch a football game today, so I decided to mark today as the day we'd do it. I had nervousness swimming in my chest the whole day leading up to my shift.

Now, I stood outside the door, the keys in my hand as I twirl them around my fingers. My anxiety was absolutely terrifying; my breathing extremely rugged and my hands trembling. I don't know how I would be able to do ANYTHING if my hands continued to shake this bad... I can't even unlock the door with the key.

Eventually I stead6 my hand with my other and unlock the door; the dim-lit area causing a shiver to cascade down my spine. This place brought back both awful and amazing memories... but as much as some of those memories completely haunt me, I almost wished I could go back to them. Life was so much simpler when William had me backed into a wall with a knife to my throat, at least it was my safety at risk and not his.

I inhale sharply and deeply, so much that I feel my lungs sting. It wasn't a nice feeling.

"William?" I wonder around the halls, looking for my partner in crime (😏).

Eventually I came to my office and saw him seating in my office chair, a smirk on his metal suit. I only roll my eyes, kissing the nose and then grabbing some supplies from underneath my desk.

"Ok big guy, I need you to use your magic disc thingies."

He rolls his eyes.

"They are called illusion discs" he mocks, but I only click my tongue and throw a wrench at his face. He growls, the robotic sound of the voice box cracking.

Letting my hands slide through the drawer, my hands bump into many things. I was only concerned with a few things though, wire cutters, a wrench, a journal, pen, and book of robotics.

"Oh, we are doing that today?" William inquired, leaning over the desk. I roll my eyes, but smirk up at him

"Yeah. Why, am I supposed to inform you? Don't get your dick in a bunch." I muttered, causing him to flick my forehead. I only scoff in amusement, slipping the supplies into my bag as he turns the illusion discs on.

"Right, so..."


Opening my houses door with a loud creak, I pull William by the hand up my staircase and into the guest room. Yes, I would be more comfortable in my room, but I figured it would be better to do in the room no one touches.

"Sit on the bed." I command, pointing to the sky-blue sheets. He stiffly complies; his spine so straight it seemed it would snap from tension.

I frown. He wasn't helping me at all here was he?

"Ok, so what am I supposed to do, exactly..."

He groans, the noise making me feel a little odd in my chest. Walking over, I slip a pair of gloves on and I close the blinds.

"Did you not listen to my hour long explanation?"

I rolled my eyes. Did he really expect me to sit through an hour long explanation of what wires go where and how I'm supposed to melt down the suit so that the remnant works correctly. No. I wasn't; I was daydreaming about Levi Ackerman.

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