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As I mentioned before, this book has very triggering topics, and I'm not putting trigger warnings into every chapter, so if you have a trigger please don't read.

But for this chapter I will, it had very sensitive topics.

TW - suicide, cutting, stabbing, blood, gore, etc.

Finishing off my normal tasks for the day, or as many as I could manage with my fucked up leg, I stumble my way back to Henry's office, prepared to help a good ol' man out. After all, the man is our under lord of stress. With Charlie dead, his wife gone, and the pizzeria facing various lawsuits, I can only imagine how the mans mental health is doing.

Approaching the door to Henry's office, I open it with a loud 'creak', greeted by the various piles of paperwork.

"Done already?" The blonde-haired man asked me, raising a brow and pushing up his red-framed glasses.

"Yep! Now gimme!" I exclaimed childishly, extending my hands and opening and closing them needily. I was determined to help this man out, he needed it.

With a heavy sigh, Henry motioned to a smaller stack of papers positioned on the floor next to his desk. Various crumbled up papers surrounded it, his trash bin overflowing with trash. I took a moment to look around his office; cups and water bottles loitered the floor, the objects on his shelves collecting dust.

Maybe I should clean for him, it would be a big help it seems...

"You can do that stack down there. It's just about the new employees, sorting through their legal stuff. I trust you with it..."

Nodding my head, I grip the stack of papers and walk over to the couch in his office, the thing practically mirroring Aftons all except for the personal items and gadgets scattered around.

Plopping myself down on the couch, I flip through the pages idly, separating them into three different piles. Then, I go through one of the piles, separating it into unnecessary papers from the important ones, and throwing the none important ones into a crumbled up pile in the corner of the room. The other pile, I sorted the information out and slipped them into labeled folders Henry provided, signing Henry's and William's names to prove they where evaluated. It was pretty common knowledge that the owners didn't look through Employee stuff anyways, usually the manager did it... Most people would question why it isn't their actual signature.

Once I was done with one pile, I move to the next, and then the next, getting it down surprisingly quickly. Within the hour I had finished up the stack, and moved on to another Henry had given me; this one about the wages of the employees. He had a slip of paper with their individual wages on it, I just had to go through and confirm it all through the paperwork.

Once I was done with that, I checked the time, seeing that it was around 3:00PM... only 3 more hours.

"Hey Henry, I'm going to leave for a few minutes, I'll be back, ok?" I told him, waiting for confirmation. Once I earned a slight nod from him, I slipped out the door and went for the janitor closets, looking for trash Bags and sanitary products. Selecting a handful of sprays, wipes, rags, gloves and trash bags, I shuffled off to Henry's office. Obviously, I'd ask him if I could clean first, as to not distract him from his work, but I was prepared to clean his office neatly.

Knocking a few times, I enter once he tells me I can, staring at the tired man. I see his eyes widen; before he gets up, helping me with the items I was struggling to hold.

"Thank you, Henry." I smile warmly, earning a warm smile back.

"What are you doing with all this?"

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