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William had a shocked look on his face, before his mood turned sour. He gave me a look of disgust, before he pushed me off him.

"...what?" I mumble out, confusion written all over my face. William starts pacing the kitchen angrily, biting at his nails. I hear the taps of his dress shoes on the floor, they seeming to get louder and louder the longer I wait. Out of anticipation and anxiety, I start to tremble, my knees shaking.

What did I do wrong...

I thought we where on the same page...

"No no no no no no no"


He snaps his head back at me, his eyes glowing purple.


What have I done...?

"This wasn't supposed to happen! You messed everything up!" He screamed at me, slowly stepping towards me again.

"You aren't supposed to interfere, your ruining him! Your messing up the timeline!" His eyes start to glow more and more, the purple getting more and more vibrant.

Eventually, he was right in my face, and I had to squint from the power of the light radiating from his eyes. His eyes where completely purple and white, glowing maniacally. He had no irises, pupils, sclera, no, it was all purple and white from the glow.

"You need to go!"

Suddenly he brought out a knife, which terrified me. Not because of death, or because he'd kill me, but because of the fact that he had said he loved me a moment ago. We shared a passionate kiss, an intimate moment. I was going to share my past... was it all a lie? Did he play me again?

Of course he did.

He's a psychopath.

He only does what is beneficial to him.

The cold hard truth was that he played with my feelings again. He didn't truly love me; he lied. Lied for his own pleasure and purpose. I was stupid to ever think he actually cared for me; god, how did I fall into his trap more than once? I've done this multiple times! How is one that stupid?

Suddenly he drops the knife to the floor; a clattering sound filling the kitchen as the knife hits the tiles of the floor. I see William tremble a bit, looking to his hands, before he aggressively pulls me by my wrist, shoving me out the door. I fall to my knees, scraping them up just like our last departure.

"You need to go."

I look up at him with tears eyes, as he only stares down at me with an angry expression. No sympathy underlined in his eyes; he simply was cold. I felt unwelcomed here; but that meant I wasn't welcome anywhere. The place I've ever felt at home was the Afton household; but I suppose, just like everything else, and just like I thought it had been originally, it was all a lie.

"I- w-what?" I stutter weakly, feeling completely useless. What's the point of living anymore anyways. I'm just a pawn to the timeline, what's my purpose? Do I even have one? Or am I just a waste of space and time that should be erased....

Maybe the spirits where right.

Everyone would be better off without me.

I see William look away from me, his head still aimed to the ground. He looked guilty for what he had done; but I knew he wasn't. Why would he? He's the one who did it.

Broken(William Afton x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now