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Magnus‘ POV
    "Okay class, last five minutes is the last time check your answers." Oh my god, five minutes? How quickly the time passed. I was trying to complete my exam in a panic, as the whole class except me put the exam papers one by one on Mr. Verlac's desk. “Come on, Bane.” Mr. Verlac waited over me, “Just a minute.” He rolled his eyes and started to sigh.

   “For God's sake Bane, you slept through all my classes and now you think you can write something and pass my class until the last minute?” My already existing tension was becoming unbearable as Mr. Verlac stood over me. I did my final work and the bell rang. I took a deep breath and handed my exam paper to Mr. Verlac.

  "Okay class, you can check your exam results on the school's website tonight, have a good day all of you." I sighed and laid my head on my desk, the class slowly clearing the classroom. “Hey.” I looked up from the table with a familiar touch on my hair. “Hi, babe.” Alexander sat on the table, while I was sitting on the chair.

    "How was your exam?!"

  "Well, I'm not sure. I tried to fill in all the questions but it was really hard.”

  Alec just nodded, “I know darling. But I'm sure you'll get a very good grade, I saw your exam paper, it looked pretty full.” I just smiled and got up.

  “Yeah, you are right.” I replied in a sarcastic tone. "Don't make fun of me, I know you're going to get high. I saw how hard you studied for this exam.” Alec and I were walking to the cafeteria. “Yeah, I worked hard because I had a great reason to motivate me.” Alec blushed and lowered his head.

   "Hey wait, you didn't forget your promise to me, did you? If I get an A, you'll pay me for the massage.” Alec grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the crowd. "Shh, the whole school doesn't need to know that I owe you a massage, right? Also, yes, if you get an A, I have prepared a very good plan for you.” I couldn't help but get excited, I waited for this day every time we took the exam all week. With the math exam, all of our exams this term were over. Today was Friday and next week was the last week of school, we were taking a two-week winter break.

   Alec and I walked into the cafe, talking and joking with each other, went to our usual table and sat next to our friends. "Finally, all the exams are over," said Simon. "Yeah, finally, I can't wait for the winter break." Clary was speaking cheerfully. “Guys, I have a great idea.” Everyone turned to Jace and gave him curious looks. “You know my grandma's lake house, right?” We all nodded, except Andrew. "Jace's grandma has a beautiful lake house, just outside of town, with great views and walking areas," Izzy explained to Andrew.

   “I say we can go to the lake house together for a few days after the last week of school. We spend time together and have a vacation. We can come back home before the new year and celebrate the new year with our families.”

   “Great idea blondie but do you think we would all fit in the house? So as far as I remember it only had three rooms.”

   “Yes, yes, we can fit. Me and Clary will stay in the master bedroom. Izzy stays in the other small room with one bed. And you guys stay together in the big room.”

   “Hey, why are we all in the same room?” Simon protested. “Yes, Simon is right. Why don't Izzy and Clary stay in one room and we share the other two?” Andrew was right in a way I hadn't expected. “Because me and Clary need some privacy.” Jace winked at Clary.

    ''What about ours? I need privacy with Alexander too.” Alec's face turned red. "Well, let's do it this way, if Izzy agrees, she can stay in the same room as either Andrew or Simon. And the other person sleeps in the living room. That way you and Alec can be alone.”

   Simon cleared his throat and spoke in a thin voice. "I can stay with Izzy, so if-" Before Simon could finish his sentence, Alec interrupted. ''No!! Nobody stays with Izzy.” Simon panicked and started to blush, I could barely contain my laughter. “What if I stay in the same room with Andrew and Simon sleeps in the living room?” Izzy didn't like the idea of staying with Simon either, so she offered a new one. Alec looked at Adrew, "Come on, Alec, Izzy isn't even Andrew's type, you know that too." Clary was trying to convince Alec.

   Alec sighed just as he was about to answer when Andrew started to speak. “Wait a minute, if I don't stay in the same room as Izzy, are we all going to be in the same room?” Yes voices rose from those at the table. "Sorry, there's nothing I can do then. It looks like we're all staying in the same room." Andrew had a sly smile on his face.

     'Oh my god I hate him.' I was pretty sure he was acting like this so Alec and I wouldn't be alone, but I couldn't prove it, so I didn't cause any trouble. “Well, me and Alexander will get the big bed then.” This kid had no idea who he was dealing with. "By the way, can we apologize to Simon and Andrew in advance, right, Alexander?" I put my hand on Alec's thigh,

"For what?" Simon said. "Oh, it's no big deal. For the inconvenience we'll cause you with the noises we've made during our days together.” Alec's face turned red and he was trying to shut me up, while I kept laughing as I saw Andrew's angry face.

     After lunch we all went to classes for our next lessons. Most of our classes were empty because the exams were over. Finally the last bell rang and we were all waiting in the school parking lot. "Are you sure you don't want to look at test results together tonight?" I wanted to look at my test result alone because I didn't want Alec to see my disappointment if I didn't get a high grade. "Yes darling sure. I want to look at myself first. Besides, I have chores at home and I have to do them.” Alexander nodded. After saying goodbye to each other, we all dispersed to go home.

   I was at home. Today I had to clean the house and do the laundry and cook for a few days. First I went to my room, gathered all the clothes around and threw them in the washing machine. I went downstairs and started tidying the house. I swept the floors first, then wiped them and then dusted the house.

     By this time the washing machine had finished. I took what was in the washing machine and put it in the dryer and went to the kitchen to start cooking. I took out a lot of stuff from the fridge as I was going to cook for a few days. First I made vegetable soup and then some pasta.

   The last I decided to bake vegetables, I cleaned a lot of vegetables and put them in the oven. While the vegetables were cooking in the oven, I went upstairs. The dryer had finished, I took off all the clothes and threw them on my bed and started folding the clothes.

  After about an hour, I folded all the clothes and put them in place. I went to the kitchen, the vegetables were cooked. I put all the meals I cooked on the kitchen counter. I poured myself a plate of vegetable soup and went to the living room. While I was eating my soup, I opened my computer on the coffee table and went to the school's website.

    The exam results weren't out yet, it was almost nine o'clock. I was constantly refreshing the page while eating my soup. While waiting for the page to reload, I took a spoonful of my soup. I almost choked as soon as I saw the results screen. I coughed a few times and immediately grabbed my phone and sent Alexander the results screen.

   As soon as I sent the results screen to Alexander, I called him. '‘Did you see my result? I got an A+, Alexander. It's my first time getting an A+ in math.” I couldn't form a proper sentence out of joy.

    Alexander, on the other hand, said a single sentence and hung up the phone in my face.

            "Be at my house in an hour."

Friends To Lovers  #Malec#حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن