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Magnus' POV

    I blinked a few times. The room I slept in was dark and I tried to figure out where I was. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I realized that I was in Alexander's room.

     I tried to sit up in bed, but as soon as I lifted my head from the pillow, I closed my eyes and laid my head back on the pillow with a huge headache. After lying down for a while, I slowly tried to get up again, this time sitting on the bed. I looked at the clothes I was wearing and thought, what time did I change?

      I threw the blanket on the bed over my shoulders and slowly stood up. I had a massive headache and sore throat. My vision was blurry because my eyes were filled with tears. I left the room and slowly descended the stairs, voices coming from the kitchen. When I stepped into the kitchen, I saw only Alexander standing by the stove.

     I slowly walked over to him. I wrap my arms around his waist from behind and rest my head between his shoulder blades. "Hey baby, why did you get out of bed?" I didn't answer, my throat was too sore to speak. Alexander turned off the stove and turned to me. I lay my head on his chest, tears still in my eyes.

     Alexander put his finger under my chin and made me look up at him. I was having trouble swallowing, and Alexander noticed it. "Does your throat hurt a lot?" I just nodded. Alexander kissed the side of my head and wrapped his arms around me. "I made hot chicken soup for you. Do you want me to feed you?" I smiled, really enjoying Alec taking care of me. I nodded, and the pain in my head was hitting harder each time I nodded.

     Alexander filled a large bowl of soup and placed it on the tray, next to it a large glass of water and a few pills. "Do you want to eat in the living room? I'll open Star Wars for you if you want." I was too sore to speak but all I wanted was to tell Alec how much I loved him, I opened my mouth to speak but Alec softly pressed his lips to mine before I could speak.
"Shh… You don’t have to talk. I just want you to be well, darling."

    Alexander took my hand and we went to the living room together Alec put the tray in his hand on the coffee table and turned on Star Wars on the TV and pulled me towards him and sat me on his lap. Alec was sitting with his back on the arm of the sofa, and I was sitting sideways on his lap.

     Alec picked up the soup plate and slowly began to feed me. Eating something hot was really good for my throat. "T-Tha-Thank y-you." My voice was hoarse and whispery. Alexander kissed my temple and continued to feed me. "D-Did y-you e-eat a-anything?" I noticed that Alec wasn't eating anything. "I ate, love." I looked at him in disbelief,

    "I promise I ate Magnus."

     "So what did you eat?"

   Alec put the empty soup bowl on the coffee table and handed me water to drink. "Mom made pasta before she went to work. We ate it with Mom." I smiled, and when I thought of Maryse, I was feel peace. It occurred to me how she took care of me before I went to sleep. The way she caresses my hair, kisses my forehead and takes care of me.

     Alec handed me my pills, took a few pills, then laid my head back on his shoulder, not in the mood to watch TV. I reached for the remote and turned off the TV.

     Alexander brought his lips to my forehead and After waiting there for a while, he kissed my forehead.
"You don't have as much fever as in the morning. How do you feel? Are you feeling better?"
  I just nodded. “C-Can w-we just sit here for a while?” Alexander helped me to sit more comfortably on his lap, I sat on his lap with both legs at my sides, hid my head on Alexander's neck and inhaled his sweet scent. "Of course, darling. Of course we can stay.”

    Me and Alexander sat in the living room in silence, Alexander running his fingertips up and down my spine. his little touches made my whole body shiver. Alexander was whispering sweet things in my ear and I was just giggling. We were both spending time in our own bubble when suddenly the door opened loudly.

     "Big brother, Everyone was wondering about Magnus so we came to vis-" I forced my eyes to open when Izzy stopped talking, I was sitting on Alexander's lap and all our friends were staring at us with their eyes wide open.

    I could hear Alec's heartbeat quickening. I forced myself to get up from his lap, but Alec grabbed me by the waist and held me in place. “Welcome guys, come and sit.” Jace, Simon, Izzy, and Clary came into the living room and sat around us.

    “Imm… Alec, I know you guys are close friends, but do you want to fill in the blanks?” Simon was trying to figure out what was going on. First I looked at Alexander and then around me. Alexander stood calmer than I anticipated, I opened my mouth to give a full answer, but Alexander acted before me,

    "Sorry we kept it from you for so long guys. We were just trying to sort things out between ourselves first.” Alec was calmly patting my back as he spoke. “We're together, Magnus is my boyfriend.” My heart was pounding when Alexander called me his boyfriend, which made me so happy when Alec said it out loud.

     There was a brief silence, and the one who broke the silence was Jace  "So Simon, you owe me 20 bucks." Jace was laughing. “WHAT?!” My voice came out louder than I expected, and a pain pierced my throat.

     "Come on guys, I can't think of any other couple who are more alike than you. We were all waiting for when you guys would be together.” I rolled my eyes and hid my face in Alec's neck. Aww sounds were coming from everyone inside.

    "So how long have you been together?"

    "Umm... about two months."

     Simon and Jace yelled at the same time, "TWO MONTHS?" My head was still in Alec's neck and I couldn't help laughing. “Wait a second, Magnus, what about your secret boyfriend?” Alec rolled his eyes, forcing my head to look up.

     “That was Alexander, My sweet Alexander.” I placed a small kiss on Alec's lips and noticed his face turn red. "So one last question." Simon sat up, turned to Clary and Izzy,

    "Why don't you two look surprised?" Izzy and Clary looked at us.

    "Um.. actually we already knew."

     "Since when?" Clary looked at Izzy,

      "Izzy knew all along and I found out a few days ago  actually more like  I've seen.” I felt my face turn red and everyone was giggling and laughing. I hid my head deep into Alec's chest, and Alec kept stroking my back and hair.

     We had a nice evening sitting with everyone for a few hours. When they realized that I was tired, they decided to finish the day and left to home. Izzy went to her room and Alec and I were sitting in the living room

    "Baby I'd love to carry you to bed but you know I'm not that strong." I couldn't hold back my smile at Alec's innocent voice, I placed a kiss on his neck and stood up. Alec took my hand and we went to the bedroom together. I snuggled closer to Alec as I got into bed.

   "Good night, darling." Alexander gave me a small kiss,

    "Good night,  love."

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