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Alec's POV

    "Will you be able to forgive me too? "

     I was placing feathery kisses on Magnus' chin towards his neck. "Of course, darling, of course... You've done nothing to be forgiven for." I was kissing Magnus' neck more with every word. "You were just right, you were upset."

    Magnus threw his neck to the side, making room for me. “A-Alexander…” Magnus groaned. We took a step back and knelt on the blanket under the tree. We were both on our knees, Magnus had one hand on the back of my head, the other holding the hem of my pants. Since my hands had been on his lower waist and the other on his back.

    Magnus lay on his back on the blanket. There were lots of pillows and extra blankets around us. Magnus laid his head on one of the pillows. Fairy lights were still flashing above us, the whole garden was lit by candlelight, and the fresh scent of lilies came from every corner of the house. But the only thing that mattered to me was Magnus.

    Magnus ran his hands over my chest. Everywhere his fingers touched burned. I started kissing Magnus' lips. As soon as our lips touched, he parted his lips. I began to explore the inside of his mouth with my tongue. It was the first time Magnus had let me lead.

    I placed myself between Magnus' legs. I lifted Magnus' sweater and began to place kisses from his chest to his stomach. I placed small kisses on the v-line, Magnus whining and groaning beneath me. He grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me to him and started kissing my lips, the kissing got hotter and he started biting my lips

    "Ahh... Magnuss..." When we parted for a breath, Magnus took off his sweater and I took my shirt off and threw it aside. Magnus started kissing my neck, the cool air outside sucking in and I felt shivering as Magnus's teeth sank into my neck, "Alexander... Do you want me to stop?" Magnus's voice was barely a whisper, acting as if  he spoke louder everything would be destroyed. "N-No love... don't stop please..." We were both shaking.

    I lay Magnus back in his seat, my hands roaming his chest. I continued to kiss his chest. I came to his nipples,  placed small kisses first, as my lips touched the cold and sensitiv enough nipples, Magnus threw back his head and began to moan loudly. “Mhh… Alecc…” I was sinking my teeth.

    Magnus put his hand on the back of my head and held my head where it was. I got under Magnus' sweatpants and could see him hardening up. First I took off my own pants and threw them aside, then I took off Magnus' sweatpants. We were both left in our underwear.

    I threw one of the blankets beside us and placed myself back on Magnus. Both our now rock-hard members were touching each other. We were both very sensitive and couldn't hold back our moans.

    "Ahh... Magss..."

    "Yeah... Imm... Alecc..."

    I started rubbing against Magnus as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders. He was playing with my shoulder blades and scratching my back. I quickly continued to rub against Magnus, and Magnus wrapped his legs around my waist, pulling me closer to him than possible. Magnus was also moaning and moving his hips beneath me.

    I started sucking on Magnus' neck. "Imm... Alexander... Th-There..." I found one of his sweet spots and I started sucking harder Magnus' eyes were closed. I looked up at the perfect man lying beneath me.

    His hair was messy, his eyes were swollen from crying, His lips were swollen and rosy from all that kissing.

    His lips were parted slightly, leaving small moans as I rubbed against him. He looked so fragile and vulnerable. "Magnus... you're so beautiful..." I whispered in his ear.

    "I love you so much... you're so beautiful.."

    "I-I love y-you to-too, A-Alexander..."

    Magnus forced his eyes open and looked me in the eye. There were still tears in his eyes. A tear rolled down his cheek, and I kissed where the tear was,

    "I promise you Magnus, you won't cry because of me again."

     "A-Alexander Iahh... Mmm..."

     I slipped my hand inside Magnus' underwear and started to stroke his dick. Magnus let out a loud groan, brought his hand to his mouth and covered his mouth. I brought my other hand to Magnus's smashed hand, took his hand and kissed his palm,

    "I love hearing these voices Magnus... please don't hold any of them."

    "Alexander neighbo- OHH... GOD..."

    I started to stroke him faster. Magnus was panting and  scratching my back. "Ale-Alexandar..."  Magnus put his hands to the edge of my underwear, and dug his hand inside my underwear, and his nails began to dig into my hips. "Ohh... Godd...Magnus"

    We both took off our underwear, the blanket above us was covering our lower parts. It was obvious we were both close, Magnus was hooking his heels up my hips and I was rubbing against him as fast as I could.

    "Ahh... A-Alec I'm sooo c-close..."

    "umm me- babe me too"

    Magnus grabbed my dick, and I grabbed his, we both started jerking off each other just as quickly. We were both moaning like crazy. After a few stroke, we both came into each other's hands with loud moans.

    Magnus dug his teeth into my neck as he came. He was trying to hold back his moans. We were both out of breath. I reached for my pants and took my inhaler out of my pocket, took a deep breath, and a few seconds later I was fine.

    Magnus's breathing evened out. I looked around for something to clean us up. Finally, I grabbed my shirt lying next to us and wiped both of our tops and threw it aside.

    "I'm sorry I couldn't give you more than that tonight, Magnus."

    Magnus rolled his eyes and pulled me to him, He rested his back on my chest. "Don't be silly Alexander... It was the best night I've ever had. I know you're not ready for any further, please don't feel bad." I kiss his shoulders Magnus' voice was sleepy, he put his head on the pillow and took one of my arms and put it on his waist. "Umm... Magnus what are you doing? We can't sleep here?" Magnus whined like a child,

    "Come ooon, Alexander please... I don't want to get up, I'm too tired."

    "Magnus, if we sleep here, we'll freeze by morning."

    "Don't be so dramatic."

     Magnus sighed, "Okay, let's just stay for a few minutes. Then we'll go inside."

    "Just a few minutes."

     Magnus muttered something between his lips and closed his eyes.

    I hugged him tightly, placing small kisses on his shoulders and the back of his neck. When I closed my eyes, the last thing I heard was Magnus' humms.


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