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Magnus' POV

    'Oh boy'

     I smiled nervously. I felt uneasy, Alec was shooting deadly glances at me and Kate. "If you lie face down, we can start the massage." It was Allison who spoke. Alec lay face down with a sigh, and I lay face down. We were looking at each other.

    "Your body looks so tense, you better calm your muscles down a bit." Alec didn't answer. "Sir?" Again Alec didn't answer, biting his lips and shooting Kate a deadly stare. "Alexander?!" Alec opened his eyes wide as if he had just come out of hypnosis and looked at me. I rolled my eyes "The lady is talking to you."

    Alec looked at Allison. "Your muscles look very tense, it would be better for you if you calm down a bit." Seeing the state of Alec's face, I decided to tease him a little. After all, he was the one who wanted to keep me waiting until the end of the exam. But seeing him now perfectly formed body, the wait would be harder than ever for me.

    "Yeah, Alexander, calm down a bit, we'll have a nice massage and relax." Alec rolled his eyes at me. Kate started to smile, "Alexander? Cool name, but I'm more interested in yours, what's your name?"
Kate was massaging my back slowly, her touching me making me extremely nervous. I wanted to kick her out of my head and tell her to stop touching me.

     I started fidgeting in my place "Umm... my name is Magnus"  Kate spoke in a very calm and orderly tone of voice. “Magnus… what a cute name.” Alec's face was red with anger, he looked like a bomb might explode at any moment. I smiled nervously.

     Yes, it was nice for Alec to be jealous of me at first, but as Kate continued to massage and flirt with me, it seemed impossible for Alec to contain his anger. On the other hand, if Allison had flirted with Alec in the same way, I would probably have reacted the way Alec did.

     “Why do you have so many scratches on your back?” Kate continued to whisper to me, I looked at Alec out of the corner of my eye. I smiled sarcastically, all the scratches on my back were caused by the beautiful man lying next to me who was about to scream with envy right now. “Umm… it's all my partner's artwork.” I winked at Alec, who seemed to have calmed down a bit.

    "Ugh... that hurts." Kate continued to massage my shoulder with a firm thrust. "I'm sorry... Well, would I be asking too much if I asked for your number?" I was confused. “I just told you I have a partner.” Kate starts running her hands over my body, this time seductively. "Yeah but, so she's not here right now... I won't tell if you don't tell." My eyes widened and I was startled by a loud voice as I moved to get up.

   "THATS ENOUGH... GET OUT." Alec was shouting loudly. “Why is your friend so nervous?” Kate kept talking nonstop. “NOT HIS FRIEND, BOYFRIEND.” Alec and I were sitting right now. "Both of you get out, you'll both get your wages don't worry." Kate and Alllison were quietly leaving the room.

    "By the way, Kate.." I was very curious about what Alec had to say this time. “Good luck explaining to your manager why you're trying to flirt with your clients.” Alec had a smirk on his face. “Good job, Kate.” Allison muttered between her lips and they left the room.

     Alec suddenly punched me hard on the shoulder.

    "Hey... what was that for?"

    "Because you let that girl flirt with you, what's wrong with you?"

       Alec looked really angry and was walking back and forth across the room. I immediately got up and walked over to Alec. I took His face in my hands. "Hey, hey baby listen to me." Alec looked me in the eyes, "I didn't mean to upset you, I was just upset when you said to waiting thing and thought you were just saying this to piss me off. So I thought maybe if you're jealous of me, you'll change your mind." Alec sighed. "I'm sorry Alexander. I love you so much." I placed a small kiss on Alec's lips.

Friends To Lovers  #Malec#Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat