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Magnus' POV

        Alexander and I left the karaoke bar holding hands and laughing. "Oh my God Alexander... I don't remember the last time I laughed so hard..." I gave him a small kiss on the cheek "Thank you, it was a beautiful day." Alexander put his arm around my shoulder, "Come on. We'll stop by at one last place."

     It was getting dark, and Alexander and I were walking towards the place where we parted the car. "Magnus, look..." Alexander gestured to a small jewelry store across the road. "Come on..." He took my hand and dragged me across the road.

       An old woman was sitting at the counter. "Welcome guys, how can I help you?" Alexander and I looked at the auspicious stones and talismans hanging along the wall. "Hello, do you have couples jewelry?" The woman got up and took a large box from the shelf behind her. She opened the box and inside it was filled with many necklaces, bracelets and rings. "You can choose any of these."

        Alec and I started looking at the jewelry in the box. Most were necklaces or bracelets that complemented each other. "What do your girlfriends like?" Alexander looked at me and smiled and took my hand. "We don't have a girlfriend, we're a couple." The woman apologized, as if embarrassed by what she had said.

    "Sorry guys, it's my fault."

    "It really doesn't matter. Anyone can mix it up."

     The woman smiled at us and we continued to look at the jewelry. "You know what, guys? I think I should have the perfect pair of necklaces for you." The woman returned to the shelf behind her and pulled out a much smaller black box than the one in front of us.

    "A few years ago a boy came and asked to have a special necklace made, he was young like you. He told that he wanted to show his girlfriend that they would never break up, but that they were too young to wear rings and wanted to have such a necklace made."

      The woman opened the box and I was met with the most beautiful necklace I have ever seen in my life. A black ring was attached to the end of a thin chain. There was a small lilac stone on the ring. Both necklaces were identical.

     "The young man wanted this stone on the ring. This stone is an energy stone that symbolizes homecoming, reunification." Alexander and I opened our eyes.

    "This is beautiful."

    "And why do you still have this necklace?" The old woman sighed deeply.

    "When the young man first asked for the necklace, I said it would be ready in a week, and he could come and get it if he wanted, but after that day I never saw the young man again. He didn't come to pick up the necklace, he didn't pick up his phone when I called, and he never went through here again. When no one came to buy the necklace, I displayed it in the window outside for a while. It has attracted the attention of many customers. But when they heard the story of the necklace, they all thought it was ominous and stopped buying it. That's why I put it away."

      Alexander took one of the necklaces and looked around. "Mags, I don't think it's ominous." So I picked up the other necklace, it looked much nicer up close. "Me too, darling." We both turned to the old woman. "We want to buy this." The woman smiled and handed us a box in which to put the necklaces. After paying the fee, Alexander put the necklace around my neck. "Thanks to this, whenever I feel lost, I will be able to find my way home and come to you, Magnus. You are my home." I couldn't stop my eyes from filling with tears. So I put the necklace in my hand around Alexander's neck "You are my home too, Alexander, I will never take this off my neck." Alexander placed a small kiss on my lips and smiled. After saying good day to the old lady, we left the shop and got in the car and I waited for Alec to take me to our next stop.

    After about twenty minutes Alec started to drive away from the road, we were crossing a dirt and stone road, as if we were climbing something. ''Alexander? Where are we going?" Alec didn't answer, I think he got tired of me asking where we were going every five minutes.
   "Love, I'm serious this time, The road we're on seems so secluded. Are you sure someone won't kill us?" Alec laughed. "Don't worry Mags.. We're almost there." After a while the road started to get smoother, there were trees on the side of the road and it looked like we were heading towards the edge of the cliff.

     Alec stopped the car. "Yes, we are here. Now I have to go and make some minor adjustments. You wait here and come back behind that tree in fifteen minutes." I was about to protest Alec kissed my lips and got out of the car. He took a large bag and basket from the trunk and went behind the tree ahead.

    I was sitting quietly in the car. I couldn't take my eyes off the necklace around my neck, the ring at the end really looked like an engagement ring. I knew it was too early and we were in high school, but I couldn't stop myself from dreaming. I sat down with a big smile on my face.

     Fifteen minutes passed and I got out of the car and walked over to Alec. "Oh my god Alec... That's look amazing." Alec had spread a blanket under the tree and prepared a bunch of small snacks, even electric candles on the blanket.

     Alexander held out his hand to me and sat me down next to him. I sat next to him and Alec wrapped his arms around me. We were sitting on the edge of the cliff, the stars were shining above us and the view of the whole city could be seen from here.

    "I hope you had the best first date you deserved."

    "Loved that, Alexander, it was the best first date I've ever had in my life."

     Alec brought his lips to mine, it was a very soft kiss. We were trying to express all our feelings through a kiss. Alec and I chatted in whispers and fed each other. We were both having a great time.

    Alexander took his phone out of his pocket and I realized he was taking a picture of me while I was looking at the stars.

   "What are you doing?"

    "I'm photographing the most beautiful view in the world."

   Alexander had a cheap smile on his face, I rolled my eyes and threw myself into his arms. I took his phone from his hand and took a bunch of pictures of the two of us. After a while Alec took his phone from my hand and showed me the photos he had taken all day.

   "Oh my god Alec when did you take all of this." There were pictures from the whole day. A lot of pictures... Me trying to skate on the ice...  skating on the ice... trying to get up from ice... While I singing...  Lots of them...

   "I took pictures all day without you noticing, you looked so cute. I wanted to keep it for the rest of my life." I lay my head on Alec's shoulder and Alec wraps his arms around me. We quietly enjoyed the view. It was getting late, and the wind was starting to blow on the hill.

     "Will you stay with me tonight?" Alec kissed the side of my head. "Of course I'll stay, darling." Me and Alexander took our seats. After putting everything in the car, Alec started driving towards my house. The rode was very quiet. We were content with just each other's presence.

     About forty minutes later we were in front of my house. As soon as I got out of the car, I ran home and put the daisies Alec had given me in the morning into the water.

      Alec and I put on some comfortable clothes and got into bed. Alec was spooning me. I felt so peaceful and safe in his arms. "Today was beautiful, Alexander. Thank you very much." Alec kissed my shoulders and the back of my neck. "It was amazing for me too, darling, I'm so glad you like it."

    I took a deep breath, not realizing how tired I was until I got into bed. "I love you." I muttered sleepily. The last thing I remember before I fell asleep was Alexander's warm lips and the sweet words he muttered in my ear.  

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